How Even Small Businesses Can Prioritise Sustainability

Being a business owner means you have a lot to worry about. From finances to growth, there is always something that you need to put at the top of your to-do list. You may look to taking out a payday loan from a direct lender in the UK in order to help you through a financial crisis. But there is also another crisis that people are concerned about, and that’s the climate one. You might think that as a small business, you aren’t able to have an impact. But this couldn’t be further from the truth! So, keep reading and find out how even small businesses can prioritise sustainability.

Energy Consumption

Energy is typically created by burning fossil fuels that aren’t replaceable. However, there are plenty of energy options now that make use of renewable energy in the form of solar and wind. It’s a good idea to take a look at your current energy provider and see where they source their energy supply from. If it’s all fossil fuels, then you might want to change over to a green energy company instead. You may also find that these providers are a little cheaper as well! You want to try and lower your energy consumption too, as this will still impact the planet even if you’re using renewable energy. Make sure you turn everything off at night or when it’s not in use, and you’ll soon see a decrease.


When you start up your business, packaging will be one of the first things that you start working on. However, lots of packaging isn’t recyclable and is made from single-use plastic. This then ends up in landfills and releases toxic chemicals into the atmosphere as it very, very slowly decomposes. So, to combat this, try going for a packaging supplier that offers bio-degradable or recyclable materials instead. This will also show your customers that you care about sustainability, and you’ll be able to lower your carbon footprint. It’s a win-win situation!


No matter how hard you try, you will still end up with some waste. But it’s what you do with it that matters and how you work to lower the amount of it in the first place. Make sure that you don’t overbuy, as this is a surefire way to create more waste. Try offering discounts on things that you can’t seem to shift to. Not only will you be decreasing your wastage, but you’ll also make a bit of money too. It’s better to sell something off for half the price than just throw it in the bin!


Choosing the right suppliers for your business is crucial, but it’s also important that you choose ones that promote sustainability. For example, try using local suppliers as a way to decrease your carbon footprint. Shopping locally allows you to support your community and keep CO2 emissions down as well. You may find that they charge a bit less too because they don’t have to ship things as far, so you’ll be able to save money at the same time.

Being sustainable is achievable for any and all businesses, no matter their size. So, don’t feel that just because you’re small that you can’t do it. In fact, these changes can be easier to implement because you’re smaller. Changing all your packaging to something bio-degradable when you’re a large corporation is a lot harder and will cost a whole lot more. So really, you should be thankful that you can do it while you’re still growing. Be sure to take these eco-friendly tips on board, and you’ll soon be well on your way to owning a small, but sustainable business.

About Lee Daily 875 Articles
lee daily has come a long way from its beginnings in Canada. When first started out, leedaily passion for the message – e.g. “eco-friendly cleaning products drove them to action: quit a day job, do tons of research, etc. so that leedaily can offer you [competitive differentiator – e.g. “the world’s most advanced leedaily.
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