Fact Policy

Leedaily would like to let you know about the care and precaution We take to guarantee that Our information is accurate in accordance with Our Fact-Checking Policy. Fairness in all of Our content The most crucial factor for every journalism platform is the audience’s trust. Accurate, fair, and balanced reporting is the only foundation upon which trust can be built and maintained. It is crucial that We continue to be dedicated to achieving appropriate accuracy in all of Our material to the greatest extent possible.

According to our definition of “due accuracy,” accuracy must not only meet the required norm but also be satisfactory overall. In our pursuit of proper accuracy, we also take into account other factors including the topic and nature of the material being presented, the audience’s expectations, etc. In every news item, we work to present the most accurate account that is supported by the news’s immediate stakeholders. We look into claims critically, query presumptions, and contest received wisdom.

Despite our best efforts to clear them up, there will always be certain areas of confusion. The standards for fact-checking information for both soft and hard tales vary, nevertheless. For instance, the sources needed for a piece about an NGO’s accomplishments would differ from those needed for an investigative story. To ensure that our content is accurate enough, we follow the advice provided below: We make sure that every broadcast we make comes from a trustworthy source and is supported by verifiable data.

We are required to credit the platform from which the news is sourced when there are no direct sources available. We make an effort to confirm any claims, allegations, or facts ascribed to public authorities or from someone we believe has a reason for doing something other than just reporting an event’s veracity. As a result, we disclaim and qualify any material, including any assertions or accusations that we are unable to substantiate. Anuncios We firmly believe that the information we present is accurate. If it is discovered that the material is inaccurate, we change it as soon as it is reasonable to do so and make sure to properly notify our readers of the changes. We are aware that the confidence Our audiences have in Us is crucial.

Therefore, it is Our goal to avoid purposefully misinforming anyone and to offer accurate information without editing or fabricating any facts. Furthermore, when significant factual errors are exposed, We openly acknowledge them and make sure they are corrected as soon as is practical in a way that is understandable and appropriate. We make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to report any errors or inaccuracies found on Our Website by including a “Suggest A Correction” section at the end of every report we provide and publish on

Our Website. Our journalists’ primary duties include reporting, writing, and fact-checking news, information, and stories. In fact, each of Our pieces undergoes a thorough due diligence process before being evaluated by one or more of Our editors, as part of a robust fact-checking internal system. It is important to note that the seniority of editors who assess stories before they are published on the website varies and relies on a number of circumstances, including the complexity and sensitivity of the subject matter and the pressure of the deadline. Anuncios We make sure to get in touch with everyone who might be affected by an allegation.

Then, in order to produce the most accurate result, we independently validate both the relevant information and the information is provided. Information Sources for Our Content We follow the instructions provided to source information accurately: Verify all of the information from at least two different sources. When there is only one source, the veracity of the source is guaranteed by supporting what the source is claiming. In every situation, look for documentation evidence rather than depending entirely on a human source. When conducting a survey, it is Our responsibility to explain how the data was gathered and analyzed. If there is a danger that Our data won’t produce correct information, we let the audience know as soon as we can about the discrepancies. Instead of making the information public first and then clearing up any lingering questions, the goal and intention is to obtain accurate information right away.

Always make an effort to gather information from or speak with news sources on the record. Work out a technique using such sources to give the readers as much information as possible about them so that readers may judge the sources’ reliability. When an anonymous source is used, explain why it wasn’t named depending on the circumstances. Share source details with our editors so they can determine whether the information in question is appropriate to publish and how it might be used. This will help both the editors and the reporters. Anonymous quotations must reflect the discussion between the reporter and editor.

Have brief discussions with sources about the best ways to use the material they provide, especially if they lack a lot of media engagement experience. If a source requests that material be kept “off the record,” “on background,” or in another status, be sure to make that clear because various persons may have different meanings for these terms. Give people the opportunity to comment on stories that might present them negatively, and inform readers of the steps we take to contact sources if they don’t respond.

Consciously look for sources that lack access to large public platforms in addition to those that are powerful and prominent. If one is stuck or unable to decide for themselves, they should always seek the advice of a senior resource or the person in charge of the newsroom at The Logical Indian to avoid presenting the audience with inaccurate information. Content Created by Users User-generated content has problems by nature. We don’t take the information provided to Us for granted and depending on how We intend to use it, we take reasonable measures to confirm its accuracy. We are cautious about how to use the information provided by a lobbyist or anybody else with a stake in the story as opposed to a neutral observer.

We make sure user-generated content is distinctly labeled as such. Additionally, we adhere to the following rules: On the internet, information sources that appear trustworthy might not always be completely accurate. It could be required to confirm with a person or organization that the information pertinent to them is authentic and to find out who is in charge of the website. It is carefully distinguished between fact and rumor.

This is especially, though not solely, true for content available on social media, where distortions may be intentional or accidental, but where errors or rumors can spread like wildfire among the audience around the world in minutes, while corrections find it much harder to achieve the same momentum. Where information from a social media site or other internet source is being utilized to support a fact, more investigation may be required. All information that was not obtained by Us is qualified and called out by Us.

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