Copenhagen Cowboy Season 1 Ending Explained

Copenhagen Cowboy Season 1 Ending Explained: Who Was Strangled in the Show?

Copenhagen Cowboy is Nicolas Winding Refn’s most recent film. The director’s reputation alone will determine whether or not the film is booming at the box office. The Danish director is well-known and widely praised for his work on films like Drive and Bronson.

Only God Forgives and The Neon Demon, two of his later films, were more divisive. His first foray into television was the groundbreaking Too Old to Die Young. His most recent work, a six-part Copenhagen Cowboy, shows that he is still comfortable working in the episodic format.

It’s thrilling to dive into this tale of vengeance, which premiered on Netflix on Thursday, January 5, 2023; it’s his first Danish-language project since Pusher 3 in 2005. Now that it’s here, it would be helpful if you had a primer on what happened in the first episode of Copenhagen Cowboy.

Copenhagen Cowboy Season 1 Ending Explained

The pilot’s first scene shows a pen of grunting pigs behind bars at a slaughterhouse. The scene then shifts to an unidentified man fatally squeezing a female victim. The next time we see Miu, she’s driven to visit Rosella, a wealthy woman. Rosella’s brother Andre runs the family’s brothel, so it’s clear that she plays a central role in the criminal underworld.

Rosella is in a committed relationship but is unable to start a family. She bought Miu because she thinks the doll is magical, though it’s unclear how powerful Miu is or if her beliefs are grounded in reality. She hopes that by using Miu’s services, she and her husband, Sven, can conceive a child, so she pays for her services. Later, Sven is shown having s*ex with one of the victims the family is trafficking.

If the couple wants to get pregnant, Miu has to stay in the room with them at all times. At the dinner table later, Rosella, Sven, and Miu share the news that Rosella is expecting a child. Rosella lowers the price from $10,000 to $8,000 because Miu hasn’t been there very long.

When Miu tries to stand firm on her asking price, Rosella knocks off another thousand dollars and blackmails her, claiming that Miu lacks the necessary documentation and legal standing to negotiate. When Andre finds out that Sven has been cheating on him with “his girls,” he arrives and gives him a brutal beating.

Miu meets the trafficked women, some of whom are kind to her while others are downright hostile. The women claim that living there is like “hell.” Later, Rosella finds out she is bleeding and that Miu’s magic and good fortune haven’t helped her. She loses her temper and faith in Miu, sending her down to the basement with the other women.

Copenhagen Cowboy Season 1 Ending Explained
Copenhagen Cowboy Season 1 Ending Explained

She has developed a relationship with Cimona, a woman who came to the country to model but was instead taken advantage of by the family. She’s working for them because they threatened her family with de@th if she didn’t. Despite her submission so far, she now proposes the idea of running away to Miu. In utter defeat, she tells Miu that she will never see her family again.

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Who Was Strangled in Copenhagen Cowboy?

Someone strangled Cimona. Cimona is seen running down a dark road as she and Miu plan to meet later that night near the house. She accepts a ride from a stranger, and it turns out that he was the one strangling the woman in the prologue, and that Cimona was the victim all along.

Miu waits for her ally Cimona at the prearranged meeting place at the end of this episode. Episode 1 naturally leaves us with many unanswered questions. Can we believe Miu’s claims that she has superpowers? Who is this unknown male? As the season continues, we’ll learn more, but this is all we’re supposed to understand.

‘I’ve Always Cherished My Independency’

During a recent interview with Deadline, Nicolas discussed the freedom he had to explore his artistic interests while working on a project like Copenhagen Cowboy.

“I’ve always cherished my independence. I think waking up in the morning, going to work, painting the way you want it to look, and going home is still the most satisfying experience ever. For me.”

He added: “If you don’t have the power of control at the end of the day or the ability to manipulate into your favor, it is a committee. You have to spend your entire day struggling to get a compromise across, then what example am I to my kids?”

Copenhagen Cowboy Season 1 Trailer

You can watch its Copenhagen Cowboy Season 1 trailer below:

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About Benjamin Johnson 2064 Articles
At, Benjamin Johnson writes content as a senior writer. Along with the most recent news, he covers many different topics. He is the ideal candidate for our entertainment category because he enjoys watching television shows a lot and sometimes also write the latest news.
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