Brian Kelly Files for Divorce

Brian Kelly Files for Divorce With Wife of 28 Years in Baton Rouge

According to a Petition for Divorce document obtained by Tiger Rag, LSU football coach Brian Kelly filed for divorce from his wife Francisca Craig Kelly on February 6 in East Baton Rouge Parish Family Court.

Francisca Kelly, who will be 57 on February 9, 2023, is named as the “Defendant” on the divorce petition. Kelly, who is 61, is listed as the “Petitioner.” Francisca and Kelly will physically split on February 9, 2023, and “shall live separate and apart without reconciliation,” according to Kelly’s divorce petition.

On July 2, 1994, Brian and Francisca Kelly exchanged vows. There are no minors among their three children. Kelly’s divorce suit further claims that his union with Franscisca was not a covenant union.

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A covenant marriage is an arrangement in which the engaged parties acknowledge their commitment to their union for the remainder of their life. It does, however, allow for divorce in a select few circumstances.

Kelly asked the court to award Francisca a restraining order without a bond because of concern that she may sell or otherwise encumber the couple’s assets, which, according to the petition, could cause Kelly irreparable injury.

Brian Kelly recently finished his first season as the head football coach at LSU, where he got a guaranteed 10-year contract worth close to $100 million. According to the divorce petition, Kelly is requesting a divorce and is invoking Articles 102 and 103.1 of the Louisiana Civil Code in his request.

According to Article 102, the divorce cannot be finalised until you and your husband have lived apart from one another at different addresses for 180 days. You and your spouse must have lived apart at different addresses for 180 days prior to filing for divorce in accordance with Article 103(1).

Brian Kelly Files for Divorce
Brian Kelly Files for Divorce

Kelly also asks for sole possession and usage of the house they bought in Baton Rouge on Lakeshore Drive. Soon after relocating to Baton Rouge, the Kelly family bought the house. LSU hired Kelly on November 30, 2021.

Living away from one another is typically the basis for divorce in Louisiana because: if there are no minor children, 180 days (children under age 18) If there are minor children, 365 days (children under age 18).

if you have a “covenant marriage” and meet the other conditions, two years. State community property laws apply in Louisiana. This means that in a divorce, all marital property is often shared equally. There are, however, some exclusions, such as a legitimate prenuptial agreement, which may alter how assets are divided between the parties.

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Additionally, one’s right to a certain amount of shared property is unaffected by infidelity or other “poor” acts. Furthermore, even if one can demonstrate that their spouse had an affair, they are not entitled to additional spousal support, child support, or custody rights.

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About Karen Millions 1183 Articles
Karen Millions was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karen considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Tupelo.
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