Preparing Your Children for Navigating Texan Roadways: Everything You Need to Know

As a parent, it’s only natural to want to prepare your child for the dangers of the world that they may face. Getting behind the wheel of a vehicle is a massive responsibility and one that most children look forward to, but it is also one of the most dangerous activities.

That’s why doing everything in your power to ensure your children are ready to tackle Texan roadways without a. second thought is so important

How Dangerous Are Car Accidents?

Believe it or not, vehicle travel is the most dangerous of all travel methods. This means you have a greater risk of injury getting behind the wheel than when you step onto an airplane, train, or even a boat. Specifically, over 3,700 people die on a daily basis are injured in car accidents involving vehicles, motorcycles, trucks, and more. While they may not sound like much, around 13 car accidents occur every second in the United States alone, showing how dangerous vehicles are.

What Are the Leading Causes for Accidents on U.S. Roadways?

With so many car accidents occurring daily in the United States and worldwide, it’s important to know the leading causes of these accidents. By understanding the common causes of car accidents, a driver can avoid putting themselves in a situation where such an accident may occur. Most notably, the common causes of accidents include:

  • Drivers who get onto the road and become distracted by items such as food, smartphones, GPS, music, or something similar
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driving while extremely drowsy or under the influence of medication
  • Reckless driving or aggressive driving that endangers others
  • Poor weather conditions that drivers are not trained for
  • Speeding or violating the rules of the road
  • Problems with the manufacturing of a vehicle that results in breakdowns

The above are the most common causes of car accidents today. Therefore, the best way to teach your children how to avoid a car accident is to teach them safe driving tips.

5 Driving Safety Tips to Teach Your Kids

Below are some of the best driving tips to stay safe on the road that you can teach your children as they learn to drive. Whether you are training your child or refreshing your safety knowledge, use the following five tips:

Follow at least three-to-four seconds behind every vehicle in front of you

The three-to-four-second rule of the road is an excellent rule of thumb to keep in mind. All this rule states is that a driver should always have at least three or four seconds of space between them and the next vehicle in front of them.

The reason behind using this strategy is to provide ample reaction time if the person in front of you makes an unexpected maneuver, such as slamming on the brakes. To test your following distance, wait for a vehicle before you pass a landmark on the road and begin counting. Once you reach that same landmark, stop counting and see how far back you are so that you can adjust accordingly.

Scan the road ahead of you by at least 12 seconds

One of the best ways to avoid being involved in a fatal accident is to increase your time to react to things on the road. As mentioned in the first time, you want to create space between yourself and other drivers. However, you should also scan the road in front of you by at least 12 seconds to spot any traffic, road hazards, or similar issues. To gauge distance, how long it takes your vehicle to reach a certain point on the road.

Avoid driving at night whenever possible

As mentioned earlier, one of the biggest causes for accidents in the world is drivers attempting to drive while tired. Sometimes, driving at night is unavoidable and cannot be helped. However, it would be best if you can avoid driving at night. Not being able to sleep for over 24 hours is the equivalent of being at the legal limit for alcohol intake. To avoid a car accident, only get behind the wheel when you are 100% aware.

Practice driving in different weather conditions before attempting it for the first time

Poor weather conditions is another major cause of accidents on roadways. While you may be experienced in driving during these weather conditions, a new driver like your child will have problems. Encourage your child to stay home when weather conditions are poor and take them out on your own time to allow them to practice driving in that poor weather under safe conditions.

Never drive under the influence of anything

Finally, it should go without saying that the most important rule to stress to your children as they begin to learn to drive should be to never drive under the influence. Whether it’s drugs, alcohol, medication, or anything that could impair a person’s judgment doesn’t matter. Always be sure that you are mentally aware when getting behind the wheel of a vehicle and able to make split-second decisions. All forms of intoxication impair this ability, so getting behind the wheel is dangerous when you are under the influence.

Successfully raised a skilled driver today

Most children can’t wait for the day they turn sixteen and can take their test for an official driver’s license. While the novelty of driving wears away for many in just a few years, this exciting new adventure will have your child or children buzzing with anticipation. Before they ever step behind the wheel, you must stress the importance of responsibility so your children can stay safe and avoid an accident on the road.

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