Is Kitty Gay In Xo? Who Does She End Up With? Relationship Timeline

Kitty is the youngest of the Song Covey sisters, and her story is told on Netflix’s “XO, Kitty.” She has been in a long-distance relationship with Dae for four years, so she leaves America to attend a Korean school called KISS to meet him finally. When she first comes to Korea, she has a lot of romantic expectations for her time with Dae, but those expectations are quickly crushed.

A wake-up call to the complexities of life and love isn’t the only thing that causes her to reevaluate her commitment to Dae. Kitty realizes she has a crush on females. How would this information affect her dating life?

Is Kitty G@y In Xo?

Before moving to Korea, Kitty Song Covey paid little attention to her s*xuality. She assumed she was straight because she was in a relationship with Dae and had no other romantic interests. However, when she starts having emotions for Yuri, she has to reevaluate her position. Kitty doesn’t tell Dae about her trip to Korea since she wants to surprise him.

However, Kitty learns that Dae is dating Yuri when they finally meet at the Welcome Party. She breaks out in tears, and her grief turns her against Yuri. Kitty is suspicious that their relationship is phony, but she can never prove her theory. She’s keeping her family out of the spotlight by pretending to be in a relationship with Dae because she has no idea Yuri is g@y.

is kitty gay
is kitty g@y

Having second thoughts about her relationship with Dae, Kitty moves on and starts dating again. That same evening, she has a new perspective on Yuri. Kitty, who had previously disliked Yuri for stealing her lover, now likes her. At Min Ho’s party, though, she witnesses Yuri’s kinder, friendlier side and understands why anyone — including Dae — may be drawn to her.

When Kitty gets a s*xual dream about Yuri, things heat up. Kitty is perplexed by the vision and wonders if it results from her excessive drinking the night before. She keeps quiet about it because she is afraid others may misinterpret what she says.

She, too, does her best to ignore that idea in favor of more pleasant ones. But whenever she sees Yuri, the memories flood back, and she has difficulty being in her immediate vicinity for any time.

Kitty thinks Yuri is straight, so she keeps the matter to herself. Then, however, she learns Yuri is g@y and that her supposed romance with Dae is all an act. After their breakup and Dae’s new relationship with Kitty, she still misses Yuri.

is kitty g@y

Hearing Yuri with her girlfriend Juliana breaks her heart, much as it did for Dae when Kitty told him she wants to find someone else. Kitty tells Yuri how she’s been feeling after keeping it bottled up for so long, but they never really talk it out. The return of Juliana and Kitty’s expulsion ended any chance of romance between them.

However, the show gives the impression that Kitty’s affections are reciprocated. Even Juliana begins to question if Yuri has feelings for Kitty at one point. Kitty’s s*uality is apparent, regardless of whether or not she and Yuri get to pursue their emotions for each other.

She tells Dae that she has feelings for both girls and boys. This indicates she does not identify as g@y or straight. She is ambis*xual, meaning she is neither mono nor polys*xual. Kitty now has many opportunities to learn more about herself, whatever the situation.

About Benjamin Johnson 2064 Articles
At, Benjamin Johnson writes content as a senior writer. Along with the most recent news, he covers many different topics. He is the ideal candidate for our entertainment category because he enjoys watching television shows a lot and sometimes also write the latest news.
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