is whitney houston mom still alive

Is Whitney Houston Mom Still Alive? Exploring the Latest Updates and Rumors

In this article, we delve into the captivating mystery surrounding the current status of Whitney Houston’s mother. As we navigate through the facts, rumors, and recent developments, join us on a journey to uncover the truth about the life of a woman who played an instrumental role in Whitney Houston’s legacy.

Is Whitney Houston’s Mother Still Alive?

Whitney Houston was among the most well-known vocalists of all time, and Cissy Houston played a significant role in it. Cissy was a well-known backup vocalist and church singer.

She also mentored Whitney and taught her how to sing. However, Cissy Houston’s health has been a cause of concern in recent years, and many people have wondered if she is still alive.

Cissy Houston is still alive and well, which is great news. However, there have been rumors about her health in recent years. Cissy Houston was diagnosed with dementia in 2012, a disorder that impairs a person’s memory, thinking, and behavior.

is whitney houston mom still alive

Dementia can be difficult for both the person suffering from it and those who care for them since it can create confusion, uncertainty, and mood swings.

Despite being diagnosed with cancer, Cissy Houston has remained active in her community. She has been receiving treatment for her disease, and her family has provided her with the necessary support and care. Cissy has also continued to work in the music industry, attending gigs and releasing new tracks.

There aren’t enough words to express how much Cissy Houston has contributed to the music industry. Her powerful voice and musical ability have inspired and influenced numerous musicians over the years, and she remains a popular presence in the industry.

She also had a significant impact on Whitney Houston’s life and work, and her advice and guidance played a significant role in the development of Whitney’s music style and sound.

Cissy Houston is still alive, and in recent years she has been receiving memory aid. Despite being diagnosed with cancer, she has remained active in her community and continues to inspire and influence musicians through her music and mentoring. She will be remembered as one of the greatest gospel singers of all time.

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Rumors about Whitney Houston’s Mother’s Death

There have been rumors on social media concerning the death of gospel singer Cissy Houston, the late Whitney Houston’s mother. Earnest Pugh, a gospel performer, posted that Cissy Houston had died, which sparked the rumors. However, the message was later removed, and it was discovered that Cissy Houston is still alive.

Cissy Houston is a well-known church singer, and her aunt is Dionne Warwick, another well-known singer. Cissy is still alive, according to Warwick, and people should quit spreading false information. She also advised Pugh to keep out of other people’s lives and concentrate on his own.

Earnest Pugh, a gospel singer, sparked the online craze by posting “Rest In Peace Cissy Houston” on Facebook with no source or link to where he obtained the information. He later withdrew the message and apologized to Warwick and Houston’s family, writing-

“Ms. Warwick please accept my sincere apologies reposting such inaccurate info about Mother Cissy Houston. It was a ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to a post I saw about someone I love dearly. I meant no ill intent whatsoever and I take full accountability for my actions. You and the Houston Family are forever in my thoughts and prayers. May God continue to shower bountiful blessings upon Mother Cissy. Respectfully submitted. #Respect”

Cissy Houston is alive and well, according to Kim Burrell, a gospel singer, and friend of the Houston family. Burrell requested that people cease pestering Cissy and allow her to live her life in peace.

The lies surrounding Cissy Houston’s death demonstrate how destructive social media can be and how quickly false information can spread. Before telling someone else something, make sure it’s true, especially if it involves a public figure’s health or well-being.

In this scenario, we may all be thankful Cissy Houston is still alive and that her family and friends exposed the lies. For more updates, you can join us on our Twitter account.

About Kajal Sharma 1268 Articles
Kajal Sharma, a Karnal-born writer with an M.Com degree, brings a unique perspective to the literary world. With two years of experience and a passion for exploring human relationships through her writing, Kajal has established herself as a trusted authority in her field. Her work, published in various magazines and websites, showcases her expertise and commitment to crafting meaningful stories.
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