Student Solo Travel: 4 Tips on Talking to Strangers

Traveling solo is an exciting way to explore new places and meet new people. No wonder a lot of students go on solo trips all over the world. College is a fantastic time for that. You can ask an assignment helper online to assist you and packing your bags. My assignment helper online assists with all types of college tasks.

Professional writers can polish your work to excellence or do it for you entirely. In any case, you’ll get an original high-quality piece just in time. And you’ll also have more time to plan your next solo trip. Collaboration with professionals is a fantastic learning opportunity as well. You can develop advanced skills and become more knowledgeable in academic writing.

When all your college duties are handled, it is time to prepare for a new adventure. Talking to strangers is essential, whether you are ordering food or asking for directions. Here are some tips on doing that comfortably.

Student Solo Travel: 4 Tips on Talking to Strangers

Safety First

Although the vast majority of people you meet are friendly, there might be some dangers on the road. That’s why students need to keep safety measures in mind. For instance, revealing that you are a solo traveler is not always safe. It puts you in a bit of a vulnerable position. So make sure you trust this information only when you are comfortable.

Other safety tips include:

  • Talk to strangers in public places and around other people;
  • Only speak with people that you feel comfortable with;
  • Do not reveal the place you are staying in right away;
  • If you go for drinks with strangers, be careful with how much you drink.

Overall, it is good to be cautious. It doesn’t mean that you cannot trust anyone. Usually, you can feel whether the person is shady or not.

Be a Tourist

Some travelers prefer to blend in with locals. But when starting a conversation, being a tourist is an advantage. It allows you to ask various questions about the location, people, transportation, etc. And people usually are very friendly and helpful to tourists.

If you are thinking about talking to a local, you can ask about the following:

  1. The best places to eat;
  2. Interesting places a lot of tourists do not know about;
  3. What they would show to their friend visiting the city;
  4. What bar they’d go to on a Friday night?

You can start a conversation by asking for directions and continue with “why” and “how” questions. Those are open-ended and give more space for dialogue to flow naturally.

Meet Other Travelers

If you go to tourist places, you’ll probably meet a lot of other adventurers. Some of them might be solo as well. It is an excellent chance to meet someone. You can also start talking to a small group; it can be fun.

One of the main benefits of bonding with other travelers is that you already have something in common. You are new to this place. And they might also look for new connections.

If you see someone taking a selfie, offer them to take a picture. This way, you’re making them more inclined to talk to you. You can use typical conversation starters like:

  • Where are you from?
  • How long have you been here?
  • Did you go to this place?
  • Did you like that experience?

You can also share some interesting information on exciting places you’ve visited here. Or you can ask them to get coffee or dessert together.

Share Your Interests

Another good way to bond is to find common interests. Make sure your unique interests are easy to spot. It can be a book you read or a T-shirt with a favorite band. You can have a sketchbook with you if you love drawing. Or you can even have a pin with your favorite cartoon character.

It will allow people to see your interests. And if they align with theirs, they will comment on that. You can also start a conversation with someone in the same manner – “I love this band too; where did you get this T-shirt?”


Talking to strangers might be intimidating at first. But it becomes easier when you do it often. Try to stay open and use these tips to get the dialogue going.

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