Taylor Schabusiness sentenced to life in prison

Taylor Schabusiness Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murder and Dismemberment

Taylor Schabusiness, a 25-year-old Wisconsin woman, was sentenced to life in prison without parole for murdering and dismembering her former partner, Shad Thyrion, 24. The chilling crime took place in February 2022, and it has left the community in disbelief.

The Brown County Circuit Court judge, Thomas Walsh, handed down this severe sentence after Schabusiness was found guilty by a jury of first-degree intentional homicide, third-degree s*xual assault, and mυtilating a c0rpse in July. The trial was marked by disturbing revelations about the horrifying events leading up to Thyrion’s tragic death.

Prosecutors revealed that Schabusiness and Thyrion had smoked methamphetamine in the basement of Thyrion’s mother’s Green Bay home. The drυg-fueled evening took a chilling turn when Schabusiness strangled, decapitated, and dismembered her ex-boyfriend. The gruesome details include her leaving parts of his body scattered throughout the house and in a vehicle.

Thyrion’s mother made the horrifying discovery on February 23, 2022, when she called the police to her house after finding her son’s head in a bucket in the basement. The brυtality of the crime left the entire community reeling, with Judge Walsh emphasizing that the “offense in this case can’t be overstated.”

Taylor Schabusiness sentenced to life

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Throughout the trial, Schabusiness had pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. However, the jury ultimately concluded that she was not mentally ill when she committed the mυrder, dispelling any possibility of her being sent to a mental health facility. Instead, she will serve her sentence in prison.

Schabusiness’ defense attorney, Christopher Froelich, argued that she was not a “monster” and that, at age 25, there remained a possibility of rehabilitation. This assertion, however, faced a vehement opposition from prosecutors who deemed the crime “egregious” and sought life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

In an extraordinary and emotional turn of events during the sentencing, Michael Thyrion, the father of the victim, Shad Thyrion, made a plea for leniency. He acknowledged that everyone makes bad choices and expressed hope for Schabusiness’ future. He stated, “I know you’ve got heart. I wish you no harm.”

The victim’s family grappled with the tragedy, with Schabusiness’ grandmother, Esther Coronado, advocating for the possibility of her reintegration into society at some point in the future. Despite the gravity of her actions, some family members found it challenging to entirely write off the possibility of rehabilitation.

Schabusiness, who appeared in court wearing a white spit mask over her face, remained silent when asked if she had anything to address the court, simply stating, “There isn’t.”

As the trial unfolded, prosecutors unveiled disturbing details about Schabusiness’ past and her unsettling fascination with serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. She had taken selfies with a photo of Dahmer and had a history of online searches related to the infamous murderer, known for his gruesome crimes in the late 20th century. This chilling aspect of her character added another layer of intrigue and horror to an already shocking case.

About Karen Millions 1183 Articles
Karen Millions was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karen considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Tupelo.
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