Condoleezza Rice Net Worth: Beyond Politics Her Multifaceted Career

Explore Condoleezza Rice’s complex journey as a prominent figure in American politics, academia, and corporate leadership. Condoleezza Rice net worth reflects her numerous contributions to society, ranging from her revolutionary roles as Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to her initiatives in education, business, and even music. Explore her life’s numerous chapters, from politics to education, business, and beyond.

Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has joined the ownership group of the Denver Broncos, according to Rob Walton in a statement. Here’s a glance at her incredible net worth.

Condoleezza Rice Net Worth

Condoleezza Rice is a wealthy American politician, civil servant, scholar, and diplomat with a net worth of $12 million. Under President George W. Bush, Condoleezza held the positions of Secretary of State from 2005 to 2009 and National Security Advisor from 2001 to 2005.

She holds the distinction of being the first African-American woman to hold both posts. After serving her term, Rice went back to teaching at Stanford University, where she eventually rose to the position of director of the Hoover Institution.

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Condoleezza Rice’s Salary

A typical year for Condoleeza involves earning a salary from multiple sources. Her salary at Stanford University is $305,000. She receives compensation for her work on numerous company boards. For instance, she received $405,000 in 2019 as compensation for her board service at Dropbox. $300,000 was equity and $105,000 was the basic wage of that total income.

As per the most recent regulatory documents, she possesses a minimum of $4 million worth of Dropbox shares and has sold about $1 million worth of them since her election to the board. Condi is a board member of as well. Her salary at this job is an additional $250,000 to $300,000 annually.

condoleezza rice net worth

Condoleezza Rice’s Early Years and the Start of a Career

The lone child of high school teacher Angelena and preacher John Rice, who also served as dean of students, was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1954 and was named Condoleezza Rice. Rice was raised in the Titusville district of Birmingham and later on the Stillman College campus in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where her father was employed.

After the family relocated to Denver, Colorado, in 1967, Rice enrolled in the all-girls Catholic school St. Mary’s Academy. She enrolled at the University of Denver after graduating at age 16, where she studied political science until earning a BA at age 19. She received her MA from the University of Notre Dame in 1975 in the same discipline.

In 1977, Rice began serving as an intern in the State Department under the Carter administration. She attended Moscow State University to study Russian in 1979 and worked as an intern for the RAND Corporation in California. She later earned her doctorate in political science from the University of Denver in 1981. Her career-long connection with Stanford University began at that time when she was also a fellow at the university’s Arms Control and Disarmament Program.

Condoleezza Rice’s Academic Career and White House Appointment

Rice taught political science as an assistant professor at Stanford from 1981 to 1987. She then became an associate professor in 1987 and lectured on the Soviet Union from 1987 to 1993. Brent Scowcroft, a former National Security Advisor in the Gerald Ford administration, became interested in her work.

Rice joined the National Security Council as Scowcroft’s Soviet expert after he returned to the White House to work for the recently elected George H.W. Bush. She worked as director of Soviet and East European Affairs from 1989 to 1991, contributing to the creation of initiatives that supported German reunification.

When Rice was named Stanford University’s provost in 1993, she became the institution’s first female and African-American provost in its existence.

Condoleezza Rice as a National Security Advisor

Rice became the first woman to fill the role when George W. Bush appointed her as National Security Advisor following the 2000 presidential election. Before 9/11, she participated actively in conversations about terrorism and had even planned to speak about a new national security strategy on the day of the attacks.

Rice met with George Tenet, the director of the CIA, after 9/11 to get his agreement to use torture in the interrogation of suspected Al Qaeda members. She later turned into one of the main supporters of the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Condoleezza Rice as a Secretary of State

After Colin Powell, Rice was Bush’s choice for Secretary of State when he was reelected in 2004. In her role, Rice promoted the spread of democratic regimes throughout the Middle East and worked to reorganize US diplomacy by implementing her “Transformational Diplomacy” agenda.

In addition, Rice was essential in trying to neutralize North Korea’s and Iran’s nuclear threats. During this time, she traveled a lot and set a record for the most miles traveled by a Secretary of State.

Condoleezza Rice’s Political Odyssey

Rice was a Democrat until 1982 when she changed to become a Republican partly because of her disapproval of Carter’s foreign policy. She was moderately liberal on abortion during the Bush administration, but conservative on gun control, LGBTQ rights, and the environment. Same-s*x marriage is something she opposes.

Condoleezza Rice’s Corporate Leadership

In addition to her work in government, Rice has served on the boards of several businesses, including Dropbox, Hewlett Packard, Transamerica Corporation, Carnegie Corporation, and Chevron Corporation. She established the Center for New Generation in 1992 with the goal of raising the high school graduation rates in East Palo Alto and Menlo Park, California, through after-school programs.

Condoleezza Rice’s Journey from Politics to Academia, Business, and Sports

After serving under Bush in politics, Rice returned to academia and became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She went back to Stanford to resume her work as a political science professor. She also joined the Graduate School of Business faculty and was given the position of director of the Global Center for Business and the Economy at Stanford.

Along with investor Darla Moore, Rice became one of the first two women to be accepted to the Augusta National Golf Club in 2012. She was selected to serve as one of the first members of the College Football Playoff selection committee the following year. Rice took over as director of Stanford’s Hoover Institution in 2020, replacing Thomas W. Gilligan.

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Condoleezza Rice’s Musical Mastery and Diplomatic Crescendos

Rice has been a pianist since she was three years old. She played Mozart with the Denver Symphony when she was fifteen years old, and while she was Secretary of State, she frequently performed with a chamber ensemble. She has performed at numerous diplomatic gatherings, benefit concerts, and embassies. During the 2002 National Medal of Arts Awards, Rice performed Brahms with famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

Condoleezza Rice’s Personal Life

Rice has never been married and has no children. In the 1970s, she dated NFL star Rick Upchurch and had a brief engagement with him. However, she ended things because she didn’t think their relationship would work out.

Condoleezza Rice’s Real Estate Moves

Rice and two investors paid $500k and more for a Palo Alto, California house in 1998. 2017 saw them sell the home for $2.3 million. She owned a different Palo Alto residence from 2008 until 2018. She sold the house for $1.96 million after paying $1.375 million for it. The University of Stanford was the buyer.

In conclusion, Condoleezza Rice’s career spans American politics, academia, and corporate leadership, demonstrating her adaptability. Her $12 million net worth reflects her significant roles as Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, demonstrating a life devoted to education, business, music, and public service.

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