Dan Bongino Net Worth
Dan Bongino Net Worth

Dan Bongino Net Worth: Unveiling the Financial Fortunes of American Author!

Dan Bongino, a prominent American conservative commentator, author, and former Secret Service agent, has amassed a noteworthy net worth through a multifaceted career. With a background in law enforcement, Bongino served in the Secret Service for over a decade, contributing to the protection of three U.S. Presidents.

Transitioning into the media sphere, he became a respected voice in conservative circles, hosting popular radio shows and contributing to major news outlets. As an entrepreneur and author, Bongino’s ventures and publications have further added to his financial success. Explore the diverse facets of Dan Bongino’s career and the wealth he has accumulated.

Dan Bongino Net Worth

Dan Bongino is a $150 million rich American political pundit, author, and host of a radio talk program. Dan Bongino worked in the Presidential Protective Division of the Secret Service for more than ten years, providing protection to senior government officials. He was also an officer in the Baltimore Police Department and the New York City Police Department.

In addition, Bongino is a well-known podcast and radio personality. One of the nation’s most popular political talk shows is “The Dan Bongino Show,” which he hosts. He is well-known for his conservative beliefs and his impassioned opinion on current affairs.

Among the publications he has authored are “Life Inside the Bubble,” which offers an intimate glimpse into his time spent serving in the Secret Service, and “Spygate,” which investigates the purported espionage on the Trump campaign in the 2016 election.

Rumble Stock Holdings

Dan Bongino is a significant individual shareholder in Rumble, a streaming video startup. Dan holds somewhat more than 16 million shares in Rumble, or about 14.4% of the company’s stock, based on SEC filings. At a $8 price per share, the shares are approximately worth $130 million.

Dan Bongino’s Biography

On December 4, 1974, Dan Bongino was born in New York City’s Queens neighborhood. He has half Italian heritage. Bongino attended Archbishop Molloy High School while he was a teenager.

He then went to Queens College, where he graduated with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in psychology. After enrolling at Pennsylvania State University, Bongino completed his MBA program there.

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Dan Bongino’s Personal Life and Health

Bongino has two daughters with Paula Andrea, a native of Colombia, from his marriage. The couple ran three enterprises out of their house for a period. Along with designing websites, they also provided risk and security management consulting and offered martial arts gear.

Bongino was diagnosed with throat cancer in September of 2020. Following a successful surgical procedure, he verified his diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In 2021, Bongino declared that he had conquered the illness.

Dan Bongino Professional Career

Bongino began working as a police officer in New York City in 1995 and remained in that role until 1999. Following that, he joined the US Secret Service as a special agent and was stationed in the New York Field Office for a while.

It was in 2002 that Bongino decided to resign from his prior role and start teaching at the Secret Service Training Academy in Beltsville, Maryland. He was then appointed head of the Presidential Protection Division in 2006, a post he remained in until May of the following year.

Dan Bongino Media Personality, Career

As a radio host and TV expert, Dan Bongino is not known for his fervent right-wing views. He has been on local stations in Washington, DC, and Baltimore, as well as served as a guest host on well-known radio shows.

He was employed by NRATV until 2018 and can frequently be seen on Fox News and InfoWars, which are not known for spreading conspiracy theories.

He is notorious for disseminating the false theory—which has been debunked by multiple investigations—that Obama’s team illegally spied on Donald Trump’s campaign. Additionally, Bongino falsely claimed that the 2020 presidential election was rigged; as a result, the New York Times named him as one of the main disseminators of false information.

Following the January 6 incident in the Capitol, his Twitter account was temporarily suspended for violating rules. He is, however, accessible on Instagram.

In 2021, Bongino started hosting a new show on Fox News and was hired to replace “The Rush Limbaugh Show” on radio. Though he was immunized personally, he faced difficulties later when he contested company policy requiring COVID-19 inoculation.

He advocated for Cumulus Me Dia to loosen its vaccination requirements and remained silent when many employees were fired for failing to receive vaccinations.

About Jasley Marry 1255 Articles
Jasley Marry grew up in Durham, North Carolina, where she spent twelve ascetic years as a vegetarian before discovering spicy chicken wings are, in fact, a delicacy. She’s been a state-finalist competitive pianist, a hitchhiker, a pizza connoisseur, an EMT, an ex-pat in China and Sweden, and a science doctoral student. She’s also a bit of a snob about fancy whiskey. Jasley writes early in the morning, then spends the rest of the day trying to impress her Border collie puppy and make her experiments work.
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