is Barry Manilow gay

Is Barry Manilow Gay? Unveiling the Singer’s Personal Journey

Barry Manilow, the legendary singer-songwriter behind timeless hits like “Mandy” and “Copacabana,” has not only captivated audiences with his music but also made headlines for a significant aspect of his personal life. Let’s delve into the intriguing story of Barry Manilow’s journey to openly embracing his s*xuality.

When Did Barry Manilow Come Out as Gay?

In 2017, Barry Manilow took a bold step by publicly revealing that he is gay. This revelation marked a pivotal moment in his life, challenging societal norms and shedding light on the struggles he faced in an industry that, during the 1970s, wasn’t ready for such openness.

Why Did Barry Manilow Keep His S*xuality a Secret for Years? During a candid interview with CNN’s Chris Wallace, Manilow explained that the 1970s weren’t a conducive time for celebrities to come out as gay. He believed it could have jeopardized his career. The singer, born Barry Pincus, felt that the public was not prepared for such revelations back then.

Six years ago, when Manilow graced the pages of People magazine to share his truth, the response from his fans was overwhelmingly positive. Contrary to his initial concerns, the public, and especially his loyal fanbase, embraced his authenticity, making the experience a beautiful one for the artist.

Who Is Barry Manilow’s Longtime Partner?

Garry Kief, Barry Manilow’s manager, is not only the key figure in Manilow’s professional life but also his life partner for an impressive 39 years. The two tied the knot in a private ceremony in 2014, solidifying their enduring bond.

Manilow credited Garry Kief with being a stabilizing force during the whirlwind years of his career. As the singer’s success skyrocketed, Kief provided the emotional support Manilow needed, preventing the loneliness that often accompanies life on the road.

is Barry Manilow gay

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Barry Manilow’s Early Years and First Marriage

Before his enduring relationship with Kief, Barry Manilow was briefly married to his childhood sweetheart, Susan Deixler, in 1964. However, the marriage ended in an annulment in 1966 due to the challenges of Manilow’s demanding music career and his inability to fulfill the role of a traditional husband.

Beyond his personal life, Manilow shared insights into his musical career. Having a background in writing jingles proved invaluable in crafting catchy hooks for both commercials and pop songs. Interestingly, he revealed that the concept for “Copacabana” originated during his stay at the Copacabana Hotel in Rio de Janeiro in 1970, a story that adds a touch of whimsy to his creative process.

Did Fame Take a Toll on Barry Manilow’s Mental Health?

In the interview, Manilow admitted that fame did affect his mental health. Before achieving monumental success with hits like “Mandy,” he enjoyed being in the background. However, the pressure of performing on the big stage brought its challenges, leading to what he describes as his “first nervous breakdown.”

Barry Manilow’s journey, from keeping his s*xuality a secret to finding love and acceptance, is a testament to the evolving landscape of the entertainment industry and societal attitudes. As the singer continues to enchant audiences in his eighth decade, his story serves as an inspiration for authenticity and resilience.

About Karen Millions 1183 Articles
Karen Millions was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karen considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Tupelo.
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