Is Ellie Gay?
Is Ellie Gay?

Is Ellie Gay? Unraveling the Speculation Surrounding Her S*xual Orientation!

Ellie, who is complex and secretive, does not want anyone to know her s*xual orientation or anything else about her private life. Instead of disclosing personal information about her relationships, Ellie, who prefers to keep a low profile, uses her talents to shine in the spotlight.

Her s*xual orientation has been the subject of speculation, but until Ellie herself confirms it, her privacy must be respected. Notably, the agency gives Ellie the freedom to reveal intimate details of her life on her terms by highlighting her achievements and contributions to her industry.

Is Ellie Gay?

The answer is yes: Ellie is gay in The Last of Us. Her relationships with Dina in Part 2 of The Last of Us and Riley in the Left Behind downloadable content round out her in-game appearances. Even though it hasn’t been officially announced, Dina’s return for Season 2 is highly probable.

Although Ellie’s s*xuality is never explicitly revealed, she has romantic relationships with two characters of the same s*x in the 2014 downloadable content pack The Last of Us: Left Behind.

Ellie and Riley, two students in a military school run by FEDRA, share what appears to be her first kiss in the seventh episode of the popular HBO series, and the downloadable content that served as inspiration for the episode confirms this.

They’re left without parents. Riley states unequivocally that she witnessed the tragic demise of her parents. While her daughter observed, her father became infected and brutally assaulted and murdered her mother. In order to protect herself, Riley had no choice but to murder her father.

Why Ellie Being Gay Is So Important To The Last Of Us?

Ellie’s TV show s*xuality may not be innovative given recent LGBTQ+ representation advancements, but it was vital to the original The Last of Us game. LGBTQ+ representation in gaming existed before 2013 with The Last of Us, but not in significant games.

The bulk of LGBTQ+ characters were NPCs or background characters, except in games that let players choose their characters’ s*xuality. HBO’s The Last of Us can revisit a gaming representation milestone by sticking to the game’s character arcs.

Ellie was one of the first LGBTQ+ playable characters in mainstream games. Ellie’s s*xuality, like Bill’s, is widely indicated in the original The Last of Us. The character was revealed to be lesbian in the Left Behind DLC.

Since The Last of Us, video games have seen more LGBTQ+ playable characters. However, the HBO adaptation must leave this aspect of Ellie’s character intact to avoid straightwashing a major LGBTQ+ milestone in gaming.

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What Does Ellie Being Gay Mean for Her Last Of Us Show Story?

Ellie’s immunity in The Last of Us affects the main story, but her s*xuality matters more to her. As Ellie told Marlene in The Last of Us episode 1, her past links to Riley are very important to her.

The original game saved this section of her journey for the DLC, but HBO’s The Last of Us, with Mazin and Druckmann, directly incorporates it into the main story.

In Left Behind, Ellie and Riley, a former FEDRA military student who joined the Fireflies, visit an abandoned QZ mall as their romance grows. Riley agrees to stay with Ellie in Boston, The Last of Us’ central quarantine zone, after bonding and kissing, but a troop of infected arrive.

Both girls are bitten and accept to become monsters. This is how Ellie painfully finds her immunity, starting the first game and flirting with a “bury your gays” cliché.

Fortunately, The Last of Us: Part II mainly addressed those worries, and if HBO adapts the second game, Ellie’s s*xuality will be even more prominent. The Last of Us Part II is more personal and less about Cordyceps than the original game.

This highlights Ellie’s relationships, notably with Dina, her girlfriend. HBO’s The Last of Us might use this to explore Ellie’s s*xuality in season 2 based on the sequel.

About Jasley Marry 1255 Articles
Jasley Marry grew up in Durham, North Carolina, where she spent twelve ascetic years as a vegetarian before discovering spicy chicken wings are, in fact, a delicacy. She’s been a state-finalist competitive pianist, a hitchhiker, a pizza connoisseur, an EMT, an ex-pat in China and Sweden, and a science doctoral student. She’s also a bit of a snob about fancy whiskey. Jasley writes early in the morning, then spends the rest of the day trying to impress her Border collie puppy and make her experiments work.
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