6 Tips to Maximize Compensation in a Truck Accident Case

Few traffic accidents are as devastating as a truck accident. The size of the truck alone makes it a pretty dangerous vehicle to be involved in an accident. The chances of a fatality are high if the accident involves excessive speed.

The damages and losses the victim suffers will depend on the intensity of the accident. The lucky ones will escape with minor cuts and bruises, while the unlucky ones end up suffering serious life-altering injuries.

Situations like this are ideal for attorneys from The Law Offices of Mickey Fine. These legal professionals handle all aspects of a truck accident case, from determining liability to representing the victim in court. They will not rest until the victim gets justice for the difficulties they’ve endured.

The compensation a truck accident victim receives is based on a number of factors. Some may increase the compensation. Some have the opposite effect.

This blog post talks about some invaluable tips that truck accident victims can follow to improve the compensation they get. Read on to find out what they are.

6 Tips to Maximize Compensation in a Truck Accident Case

Visit a hospital immediately

As silly as this tip sounds, visiting a hospital immediately after an accident forms the crux of a truck accident claim.

Truck accident victims must go to the hospital, no matter how minor their injuries are.

Insurance companies often use skipping hospital visits after a truck accident as a defense. This is one of the major reasons why victims should consider one.

Additionally, consulting a doctor reveals hidden injuries and helps set a clear path to recovery.

Hire a lawyer

The chances of failure, let alone maximum compensation, are high if victims decide to handle a truck accident case on their own.

An experienced lawyer knows what to do. They will find out all the potential liable parties in a truck accident and drag them to court.

The lawyer is also skilled at negotiating. This means that during talks for an out-of-court settlement, the lawyer will use their expertise to acquire compensation that meets all the victim’s requirements.

Consider non-economic damages

Non-economic damages play a major role in high compensation. Non-economic damages include the intangible losses that the victim will sustain as a result of the truck accident. This generally includes:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • The emotional effects of disability and disfigurements

Taking non-economic damages into consideration greatly increases the total compensation the truck accident victim receives.

Don’t forget future damages

A mistake that most truck accident victims make is ignoring future damages.

Future damages mean the difficulties the truck accident victim will go through after recovery. This includes

  • Assistive services (like wheelchairs and crutches)
  • Medication
  • Inability to work like before
  • Home modifications

With the right evidence, victims can get compensation for the extended impacts of the accident.

Preserve evidence

Evidence plays a crucial role in a truck accident claim. It is important for victims to not just gather evidence but also preserve it.

Misplaced evidence often hurts the claim. It is recommended to safekeep all evidence until the case has settled.

Avoid oversharing on social media

Social media has its share of pros. But in terms of a truck accident claim, there are only cons.

Insurance adjusters often stalk the social media profiles of truck accident victims to find something incriminating. Even the smallest of things can be used against the victim, potentially harming the truck accident claim.

One good example is a victim sharing a picture of an outing when they’re recovering from a truck accident. The insurance adjuster will use this image as evidence to prove that the victim isn’t suffering but is using the break to have fun.


The compensation a truck accident victim receives depends on several factors. Sadly, it is easy for victims to make mistakes, leading to lower compensation.

Hiring a lawyer helps truck accident victims avoid these mistakes. With the assistance of an experienced lawyer, truck accident victims can get just compensation for all the losses they’ve sustained.

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