Cyberpunk 2077 can’t appear to get a rest, as a master programmer on Reddit appears to have disclosed plans for the game’s planned DLCs and upgrades. Gamers were pleased by what claimed to be a release of titles of prospective Cyberpunk DLC from an Epic Store datamine by a user. The original person is said to have been using an Epic Developer Account to extract content that nobody else can, but as the lengthy rebuttal discussion reveals, this hardly occurred.
Know what the leaks were about
The researcher discovered indications of two major expansions, EP1 and EP2, in relation to the 17 DLC ads. After the latest 1.2 patches, language about additional tasks from the in-game character Mr Hands was discovered, leading the Redditor to believe that the first expansion will arrive in early 2022. The fresh DLC entries hint at not simply new content, but also a ‘New Game Plus’ mode, which was absent from the original game. DLC and native next-gen updates are expected in the second half of 2021, according to the game’s new schedule. CDPR clearly has their job figured out just for them, as the team is also embarking on the next edition of this game including The Witcher 3.
Reddit user u/Saint-Pirate revealed what he discovered in the game’s files, which appears to indicate impending free DLCs and expansions. Here’s a list of 17 items classified as DLC, including some that provide you with a better sense about what CD Projekt Red (CDPR) has prepared for the gameplay, as well as an assessment about what these updates represent due to the efforts of numerous Reddit boffins:
- dlc1_swp – probable smart weapon pack
- dcl2_jposes – poses for photo mode
- dlc3_kab01 – probable map rework of Kabuki area
- dlc4_quartz – probable character customisation
- dlc5_jackets – probable additional clothing
- dlc6_apart – probable apartment customisation
- dlc7_pwp – probable power weapons
- dlc8_mirror – probable character customisation
- dlc9_arr06 – probable map rework of Arroyo area or new quest in the area
- dlc10_monster – probable boss fight or Witcher inspired DLC
- dlc11_jlook – probable character customisation
- dlc12_mfinish – probable finisher moves like The Witcher 3 DLC
- dlc13_twp – probable tech weapons
- dlc14_arr12 – probable map rework of Arroyo area or new quest in the area
- dlc15_ngplus – brand new game plus
- dlc16_jpn06 – probable map rework of Japantown area
- dlc17_bwp – probable blunt weapons
Another leak which was appeared earlier the recent one included alleged names of the DLCs that were found:
- Ripperdocs Expansion
- Body Shops Expansion
- The Relic
- Neck Deep
- Night City Expansion
- Unnamed DLC
- Fashion Forward Expansion
- Gangs of Night City
- Body of Chrome
- Rides of the Dark Future
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Red flags ahead: Don’t trust the info you see on the internet, most of which is usually fake
Many of these appeared like the stuff you’d demand free DLC to include, such as additional Cyberware, vehicles, and apparel. Things became much more confusing when, in a subsequent update, the “Relic” logo was applied to the skills page, giving this a boost of potential authenticity.

CDPR could wrap this up if they just kept speaking about what’s next, but they’ve given no suggestions, let alone a release date, despite the fact that both the free DLC and the next-gen versions of the game are expected to appear before the end of 2021. Because it’s becoming late, they might just make an appearance at the same moment. Until then, take everything you see with a grain of salt.
But What was the point of misrepresenting everything?
It’s unknown what it was for, however it could have been to raise funds for a program. Almost everything he’s ever blogged has been removed as of now.