Given the delta strain of the coronavirus still causing a statewide outbreak of maladies that has yet to abate, Jimmy Kimmel picked up to late-night after a vacation layoff and delivered some rather candid comments on the horrifying prospect of hospitals having to start cutbacks ICU beds. And, to tell you the truth, it’s difficult to disagree with him. Upon returning to the airwaves after his summer sabbatical, Jimmy Kimmel expressed his genuine opinions on someone who has preferred not to get the coronavirus vaccine. His introductory address stated that unvaccinated citizens should not stay in hospitals’ intensive care units.
Jimmy Kimmel thinks ‘it wasn’t a very happy Labor Day weekend
According to Kimmel, it was not a good Labor Day weekend because coronavirus diagnoses were up by 300 percent from a year before. Virus cases in the country were approximately around three hundred times more this Labor Day weekend than the same weekend time the previous year, as per the statistical data from Johns Hopkins University. As a result, the average number of deaths was 86 percent higher compared to the same period in 2019. One million-plus cases were reported last weekend, compared to 287,235 last year. Public health experts had warned unvaccinated people to remain home locked ahead of Labor Day because the Delta strain is spreading rampantly across the country.
According to a report from Johns Hopkins, there were 73,331 new instances of COVID-19 in the U.S. on Monday, and the average number of new cases per week has constantly been climbing since June.
No ICU beds for unvaccinated people, Jimmy Kimmel quips
If hospitals get any more packed with patients, as Dr. Fauci has stated, they’ll have to make some very difficult allocation decisions about who gets an ICU bed. For Jimmy Kimmel, he doesn’t think it’s such a difficult decision. Jimmy stated- A heart attack in a vaccinated person? Yes, please come in and sit down; we’ll take care of everything. Man who ate horse feces without being vaccinated? Weezy, may you rest in peace.
Kimmel also discussed ivermectin in the episode, which many conservative talk show hosts, Republican lawmakers, and even some doctors believed to be effective against the infection and have promoted. Kimmel’s remark about “horse goo” appears to be a direct attack on the antiparasitic controversial medicine ivermectin, which some people are using to combat COVID-19, ignoring FDA warnings. “You aren’t a horse at all; You aren’t a cow at all…Seriously, you guys put an end to it. The FDA issued an official statement, along with a tweet, pleasing people to immediately cease using this medicine. People who deliberately refuse to get vaccinated or utilize non-FDA-approved medications to treat the illness are called “pan-dimwits” by Kimmel.

This ivermectin is still being used by a lot of people. People taking this livestock treatment thinking to fight the coronavirus are calling the poison control center in droves, but they refuse to take the vaccine. It’s as if you’re a vegan man and say, “No, I don’t want a hamburger; instead, give me that can of Alpo… “Kimmel ignited a jest on this matter. The Washington Poison Center has gotten three times as many calls about ivermectin this year as it did this time last year, as people continue to experiment with the drug and intend to stop the ineffective yet dangerous treatment.
After joking that hospitals should send away unvaccinated persons who develop the coronavirus, Jimmy Kimmel received much anger. The resentment on Twitter was palpable. According to Kimmel’s logic, heroin and cocaine drug addicts who overdose on fentanyl, as well as alcoholics who require liver detox, should not be treated in hospitals. Kimmel’s stance may appear brutal, but it makes sense when you consider what his family has gone through. Billy, Kimmel’s three-year-old son, has a congenital heart condition. He’s already spent several months in hospitals in his short life. You can imagine how terrible it must be for Kimmel to be concerned about his son’s ability to obtain an ICU bed if he requires one.
FDA cautions against using ivermectin to prevent COVID
Health officials in Mississippi warned that “ivermectin toxicity” can cause symptoms such as “rash,” “nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, brain problems, and potentially severe hepatitis requiring hospitalization immediately,” according to the report. The FDA advises that an ivermectin overdose can cause convulsions, unconsciousness, and even death in some cases.
“Animal medications are generally highly chemically concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which can weigh a tonne or more than human beings,” according to a website maintained by the agency. Such high amounts in humans can be extremely hazardous for health.
Finally, the presenter acknowledged the multiple guest hosts who stepped in for him while he was away. Wanda Sykes, David Spade, Nick Kroll, and Julie Bowen were among those who temporarily stepped in to fill in for him.
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