Multi-millionaire Hollywood elite Seth Rogen was criticized immensely on social media for his “privileged” reaction to increasing crime in Los Angeles, California.
The actor-producer told YouTuber Casey Neistat, “It’s called living in a big city,” who mentioned that he was looted following his car being broken into, “because Los Angeles is a crime-riddled 3rd world shithole.”
On Wednesday, Neistat tweeted that “so our cars got robbed this morning because Los Angeles is a crime-riddled 3rd world shithole of a city but tremendous appreciation and gratitude to the hardworking officers at the @LAPDWestLA who not only arrested the motherfucker but they got all of our stolen goods back.”
While responding to Neistat’s tweet, Rogan published a tweet stating, “Dude I’ve lived here for over 20 years. You’re nuts haha. It’s lovely here. Don’t leave anything valuable in it. It’s called living in a big city.”
so our cars got robbed this morning because Los Angeles is a crime riddled 3rd world shithole of a city but tremendous appreciation and gratitude to the hardworking officers at the @LAPDWestLA who not only arrested the motherfucker but they got all of our stolen goods back
— Casey Neistat (@Casey) November 24, 2021
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Rogen Had His Car Broken Into at Least 15 Times
In a response to Rogen, Neistat said “I can still be mad tho right? feel so violated,” to which the actor reacted by disclosing that he has had his car broken and burgled a minimum of 15 times.

Rogen, who has an estimated net worth of $80 million said, “You can be mad but I guess I don’t personally view my car as an extension of myself and I’ve never really felt violated any of the 15 or so times my car was broken in to.”
The actor added, “Once a guy accidentally left a cool knife in my car so if it keeps happening you might get a little treat.”
i can still be mad tho right? feel so violated.
— Casey Neistat (@Casey) November 24, 2021
Neistat responded “I didn’t get any treats. He just took the decorations for my daughter’s 7th birthday party and left bloody handprints. serious question; how did you get your car broken into 15 times?”
Rogen said, “I lived in West Hollywood for 20 years and parked on the street.”
In a follow-up tweet, Rogen continued to assert that Los Angeles is “not some shithole city.”
He said “Also it sucks your shit was stolen but LA is not some shithole city,” adding “As far as big cities go it has a lot going for it.”
I lived in West Hollywood for 20 years and parked on the street.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 25, 2021
Social media users promptly criticized Rogen for his “privileged” remarks, saying that the actor doesn’t have to be worried regarding money.
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A Twitter user tweeted “White rich privilege at its finest,” adding “Majority of Americans simply do not live with the luxury of not valuing their vehicle as an extension of themselves. The majority of Americans rely solely on their vehicles for daily events.”
White rich privilege at its finest. Majority of Americans simply do not live with the luxury of not valuing their personal vehicle as an extension of themselves. Majority of Americans rely solely on their vehicles for daily events.
— Travis♛ (@travismcc1ure) November 25, 2021
Another one tweeted “When people talk about celebrities being disconnected from the reality of normal people, this is what they are talking about, @Sethrogen. I get it, you’re trying to be Mr. Nice Guy, but you’re being Mr. Snootypants.”
When people talk about celebrities being disconnected from the reality of normal people, this is what they are talking about, @Sethrogen. I get it, you’re trying to be Mr. Nice Guy, but you’re really being Mr. Snootypants.
— גי דוד – Super Free Man (@DBCWriter) November 25, 2021
The third one highlighted that it is “not normal, having your car broken into,” continuing further that “To average people, a car is the second most valuable asset they own, and yes that is a violation.”
Dude, that is not normal, having your car broken into. To average people, a car is the second most valuable asset they own, and yes that is a violation.
— Andre Powell, CPA (@apowe003) November 25, 2021
Another Twitter user said “For most people, their cars represent their livelihoods, you know, going to work and making just enough money to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads,” adding “So anything they possess, is worked hard for and is an extension of that hard work!”
For most people, their cars represent their livelihoods, you know, going to work and making just enough money to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. So anything they possess, is worked hard for and is an extension of that hard work! 🙄
— jeremy vance (@americananarcho) November 25, 2021
Another one wrote “Ah, celebrities. Claims that their ridiculous levels of wealth mean they’re completely out of touch are nonsense. After all, we all agree our car getting stolen is a big nothing. No financial [consequences] to our lives at all. Just get another one, easy! It’s called ‘living in a city!”
Ah, celebrities. Claims that their ridiculous levels of wealth mean they’re completely out of touch are nonsense. After all, we all agree our car getting stolen as a big nothing. No financial conseqs to our lives at all. Just get another one, easy! It’s called “living in a city”!
— rutheday99 (@rutheday99) November 25, 2021
Pointing out on Rogen’s clearly hypocritical remark, another Twitter user wrote, “It’s lovely here — 15 or so times my car was broken into.”
> It’s lovely here.
>15 or so times my car was broken in to— rekt 🕙 (@RektWolfos) November 25, 2021
Another Twitter user said “Says the elite who can afford to replace things that others have to work twice as hard for. So it starts with your car…what happens when it’s your house next? Oh wait, you guys all have security staff and alarm systems since we had to defund the police. Gotcha.”
Says the elite who can afford to replace things that others have to work twice as hard for. So it starts with your car…what happens when it’s your house next? Oh wait, you guys all have security staff and alarm systems since we had to defund the police. Gotcha.
— Louisa (@WearAHelmet99) November 26, 2021
Crime Surge in Los Angeles
Reportedly, murders, violent crimes, and gun violence have increased in the Democrat-governed city of Los Angeles. Across the summer, LA Police Chief Michel Moore told the police commission that the city of Los Angeles is experiencing a surge in overall offense.
This is not the first time when the actor appeared to be scornful about crime.
Earlier this year, the actor was one of the Hollywood stars who donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a nonprofit group that raised money to bail out protesters in Minneapolis as rioters and robbers stormed the streets taking into account George Floyd’s death.