In the Star Wars sequel trilogy, namely “Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi” (2017), the legendary Jedi Master Luke Skywalker came to an end. Luke engages Kylo Ren in a lightsaber fight on the planet Crait by using the Force to generate a holographic picture of himself there as a self-sacrificing deed.
After expending a great deal of energy on this fantastic effort, Luke transcends into the Force. His selfless act turns into a turning point that forges his legendary status as a Jedi and inspires the Resistance. Learn the critical specifics of the valiant departure of Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars realm.
How Did Luke Skywalker Die?
Luke was killed after projecting his image from Ahch-To to Crait using the Force. It took all of his might and resolve to force launch himself thus far across the cosmos. He did accomplish this accomplishment, but it took all of his energy and mental strain to pull it off, which is what killed him in the end.
Mark Hamill shared a post on Twitter:
THE FORCE KILLED LUKE. You have to acknowledge the irony in his fate.
Almost like an addict that kicked his habit cold-turkey, remained clean for decades, only to re-use just once & then, tragically, overdoses.#SadSkywalker #ForceFatality #JediJunkie— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) October 22, 2018
Knowing that this was the only way to save Leia, Rey, and the remnants of the Resistance, Luke made this sacrifice. He created a distraction for them, which allowed them to get away. It also reignited a much-needed spark of hope for the entire galaxy and imparted a final lesson in atonement and sacrifice to his nephew, Ben Solo.
Following his return from his Force projection, Luke watched the Ahch-To sunset in his last moments. He felt a sense of purpose and serenity before dying and joining the Force.
Fans saw Luke again in The Rise of Skywalker as a Force ghost, even though he had passed away. At her lowest point, Rey found herself trapped on Ahch-To. It was then that Luke’s Force ghost appeared to console her, giving her the much-needed guidance, hope, and indispensable equipment she would need to finish her trip.
One of the numerous voices of former Jedi that offered Rey the inner fortitude she required on Exegol was Luke’s. At the end of the movie, as they proudly watched Rey on Tatooine, his Force ghost made one final appearance beside Leia’s.
There is no doubt that Luke’s death was one of the most significant in the tale, even though many fans continue to dispute how his tragedy was handled in the second trilogy.
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Luke Finally Faced His Mistake Before He Died
The attempt by Luke to assassinate his nephew and student, Ben Solo, while he was sleeping is presented as a significant revelation in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. This serves as the primary source of Luke’s internal turmoil in The Last Jedi.
A crucial story event that shapes both of their personas is Luke’s attempted murder, which drove Ben to turn to the dark side of the Force and become Kylo Ren.
The Jedi are able to find salvation in the pair’s confrontation because Star Wars: The Last Jedi connects Kylo Ren’s beginnings to Luke’s most significant error.
Luke is able to own up to his mistake and try again to show the mercy he had previously denied after confronting Kylo Ren. Even though it doesn’t succeed, Luke is able to unite with the Jedi Force because he has faced his biggest failure.