Wrapped for Tiktok
Wrapped for Tiktok

Is Wrapped Tiktok Safe? How Do I Access a Wrapped Video?

People on TikTok are sharing their yearly music and video stats, and it’s making more people curious about their own stats. Here’s how you can join in on this trend.

First, Spotify started this trend by showing users a summary of their music listening habits for the year. After that, other apps like Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat followed suit and let users see their own app habits.

In 2021, TikTok also joined in by letting users see how many videos they watched and how many people interacted with their own videos that year.

But in 2022, TikTok didn’t bring this feature back, so creative users had to make their own ways to see their TikTok stats. Now, in 2023, here’s how you can check your TikTok stats for the year.

How Do I Access a Wrapped Video?

To find and use TikTok Wrapped in 2023 since TikTok didn’t provide it themselves in 2022, you can follow these steps on a safe third-party website created by a developer named Bennett Hollstein. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to your TikTok account’s Privacy and Settings page.
  • Request to download your profile data, specifically in the JSON format.
  • Once you’ve received these documents, visit the Wrapped for TikTok website.
  • Submit the downloaded documents on the website.
  • Wait for the website to load, and then you can explore and enjoy discovering more about your TikTok habits in a fun and interactive way.

What is TikTok Wrapped?

What is TikTok Wrapped?
What is TikTok Wrapped?

TikTok Wrapped is a cool tool made by a web developer named Bennett Hollstein. It helps TikTok users learn about their activity on the app.

With Wrapped for TikTok, you can find out things like how many videos you watched in the past year, how much time you spent on TikTok, and how long you watched videos in one go.

It also tells you how many likes and comments you’ve given and gives you a kind of “TikTok personality” that explains your habits on the app better. It’s a fun way to see what you’ve been up to on TikTok!

Safety Check: Is Wrapped Tiktok Safe?

Yes, it’s safe to use! The person who made the tool, Bennett, says that your TikTok data stays only on your own device and isn’t sent to any other server. They won’t keep or use your data in any way.

Plus, if you understand code, you can even check the full code of Wrapped for TikTok to be extra sure that your data won’t be saved or misused. So, it’s a safe way to check your TikTok stats.

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About Manoj 1544 Articles
Manoj's writing in the games, series, and entertainment field goes beyond mere entertainment value. He delves into the deeper cultural impact of these mediums, analyzing storytelling techniques, character development, and the evolving landscape of interactive experiences. By providing thoughtful and well-reasoned insights, Manoj aims to engage readers and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. With a BTech qualification, Manoj combines his technical knowledge with his passion for writing to deliver insightful and engaging content.