TikTok Collaborations – Expanding Your TikTok Follower Network

After being launched in 2016, TikTok saw massive growth with each passing year. More and more users started following and joining the latest trends in videos, contributing to what would become an iconic, entertaining, and, at times, even educational app.

With TikTok being the favorite place for people from all generations, more notably Gen-Z and Millennials, the app is used not only by people who want to gain a following but also by companies. Businesses see TikTok as a wonderful opportunity for growth, as well as a way to engage with their audiences.

But how does one get more TikTok followers as a creator on the platform?

This post will give tips on creating content and collaborating with other creators so people can increase brand awareness and obtain a larger audience.

TikTok Collaborations - Expanding Your TikTok Follower Network

How the Algorithm Helps TikTok Users Grow

TikTok is used by people all over the world. In 2022, the app reached 755 million users, and the numbers are expected to increase even more in the future.

More individuals are encouraged to start being active on their TikTok account, and whether they create lip-syncing content, dancing content, stories, or anything else, they have the chance to grow on the social platform and reach new audiences.

Now, whether one’s TikTok posts manage to bring in more followers or not depends not only on the content itself but also on the algorithm. Anyone who wants to create engaging content and attract more individuals should understand how the algorithm works.

TikTok’s algorithm is similar to that of other social media platforms: it uses likes, shares, follows, comments, and watch time to push the videos to more people and thus help a creator gain more subscribers.

Initially, TikTok videos are exposed to a small group of people. If there’s a good engagement rate, the materials will be shown to a larger, medium-sized crowd. Lastly, it will show the video to a much bigger group of people, which can make it go viral and thus lead to the user’s TikTok growth.

Going Live on TikTok – How Does It Work?

Going live is a great way to obtain a highly engaged audience. However, unlike other social media accounts, on TikTok, users have to reach at least 1,000 followers before they can start making live videos. Without this number of followers, a creator cannot see the live option.

Now, it’s important to know that the feature may not appear automatically. In fact, it’s possible for it to take several days before becoming visible.

Also, there are limits for individuals under 16 who want to create content. Minors under 16 will not be able to go live, but once they reach 16 years old, the option will become available.

However, TikTok influencers cannot receive virtual gifts from followers unless they are 18 years old. These gifts can later be exchanged for money, which means it’s possible to make a profit by following TikTok trends, starting a live session, or creating unique videos.

The Pros of Working with Other TikTok Creators

TikTok creators often collaborate with other influencers to create new entertaining TikTok content. Many social media channels take advantage of this tactic in order to reach their target audiences.

Whether it’s dance trends, lip-syncing videos, personal stories, or other videos, creator collaborations allow influencers to cross-promote.

But why is it so beneficial to work with other TikTok content creators as part of a good content strategy? Here are some pros of engaging in this tactic:

Improved Engagement

Working with other creators has the power to increase engagement. This can lead to various benefits considering that many users love seeing their favorite stars enjoying some time together.

As such, the chance of getting comments and likes grows significantly.

Boosting Gains

Partnering with other TikTok accounts allows service and product promotions, as well as user content promotions. In turn, this can lead to more sales for businesses and more donations for the content creators involved.

Better Networking Opportunities

By joining TikTok partnerships, one can enter a large network of creators. This can result in more networking opportunities, meaning that in the future, creators can have other individuals helping them with collaborations or projects.

New Audience Exposure

The goal of each TikTok content creator is to reach their target audience. When people create content with other users, they will be discovered by new individuals who can become followers, which also results in more video views.

TikTok Strategy Options to Collaborate with Other Users

Those willing to enter the influencer marketing area and create content with other TikTokers should know how to build their content strategy. Here are some tips that can help make TikTok collaborations successful:

Looking for the Right Creators

One of the most important things to keep in mind as a person who wants a successful TikTok profile is that finding the right influencers to collaborate with is key.

Now, in order to make this partnership work, it’s crucial to reach out to creators with similar interests and a similar target audience.

This can be achieved by searching for hashtags or using the collaboration feature on TikTok.

Brands can also collaborate with influencers on TikTok. Companies can create brand content where they feature famous influencers and use popular audio clips, as well as their brand voice to promote a product or service via the creator they partner with.

If users are not sure how to do this, it’s always a good idea to look at similar brands and how they performed their collaborations.

Trying Out New Things

Too many TikTok users focus on the same type of content for too long, and they are afraid to leave their comfort zone. But in order to be successful following a collaboration, it’s very important to be open to new ideas. The truth is that creativity can take TikTok users quite far.

Singing, dancing, lip-syncing content, or promotional content – it doesn’t matter what the creator chooses. Through creativity and innovation, one can gain more followers on TikTok.

For instance, someone who usually does dancing videos might try out popular trends, whether that involves them recording themselves doing something in public or anything of the sort. Brands, on the other hand, might take a break from traditional advertising and try user-generated content instead.

As long as the collaboration leads to high-quality content, viewers will love it.

Users Should Have Everything Planned Out in Advance

A structured plan will ensure that the creator meets their goals, as well as the expectations of the viewers.

That being said, planning the content in advance is the ideal way to go. The plan should include the type of TikTok content that will be created, as well as the theme of the collaboration. A content calendar may also help.

Considering the Target Audience

All content created as part of a TikTok creator partnership should be done with the target audience in mind.

Catering to people’s wants or needs in terms of videos can only have benefits for both TikTokers involved. It will make fans happy, loyal, and eager for more.

Promoting the Partnership

In order to ensure that the collaboration is successful, it must be promoted in all possible ways. This could include tagging collaborators, using the right hashtags, and even sharing the content on other social media websites.

Trying Different Video Styles

TikTok Collaborations - Expanding Your TikTok Follower Network

This is not only something that should be considered when creators make videos by themselves, but also during collaborations. It’s important to experiment with styles and figure out whether a long-form or short-form video would be more suitable, or whether slow-motion or time-lapse videos would make for more compelling content.

TikTok analytics lets users check their growth over time. The algorithm will pay attention to certain aspects, including watch time. Many times, content on TikTok thrives when the videos are shorter rather than longer.

Statistics show that from August 2022 to January 2023, the number of views on personal videos averaged 30,115, while for business videos, they averaged 17,523.

Jumping on the Latest Trends

One of the best ways to make content stand out and see positive results in TikTok’s analytics is to consider trends when collaborating with other creators.

Trends are an easy way to make sure videos pop up on more individuals’ “For You” pages, boosting the TikTok presence of both creators. What’s even better is that they may help attract younger audiences if that’s the goal.

There are many trends that users have tried out over the years when creating videos. Some of these include dance challenges, storytelling, comedic sketches, branded hashtag challenges, DIY tutorials, and more.

Before using one of the trending sounds and doing a challenge, it’s best to check out a video example from a different creator.

Promoting Each Other on Social Media Platforms

Another thing that users can do is promote the content of the other creators. Before working together and even after the partnership, it would be great to support each other and share the other creators’ videos.

This type of cross-promotion will make sure that both TikTok creators are exposed to a broader audience.

TikTok Content Strategy Tips

Anyone who wants to drive traffic through this type of collaboration should use the right strategies. Here are some tips that can help creators find the best strategies when working with other users:

Having Fun

Both individual creators and brands should have fun during the project. This will help attract more viewers and boost creativity and enjoyment. On top of that, it will ensure that all parties are having a good time.

Using the Right Hashtags

Hashtags are a must to make content as visible as possible. Researching other brands and creators to add the right hashtags is a good way to go. This may also help users get more “Creator Fund” rewards.

Creating Context

Even when creating videos with other creators, it’s very important to add context. While loyal TikTok followers may be familiar with the type of content released by a creator, those who are not yet followers may be confused if videos with no context land on their “For You” pages.

So, TikTokers should create a context for their content.


Working with other creators on TikTok can be an excellent way to grow the audience and become more successful. Collaborations can be fun and a way to learn more about TikTok and explore new content types.

All in all, working with other creators is a beneficial thing both for individual TikTokers and for brands.

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