how old was joseph when he married mary

How Old Was Joseph When He Married Mary? Untold Love Story

When discussing the birth of Jesus Christ, one of the persons in the Bible who is sometimes forgotten or not mentioned is Joseph. We never forget that God selected Mary to bring Jesus to Earth. We don’t realize, however, that God also chose Joseph. He would have posed a threat to the birth of Jesus Christ if he lacked the necessary qualifications.

The Bible does not include a complete and detailed account of Joseph and Mary’s engagement and marriage. This is why some Christians frequently inquire, “How old was Joseph when he married Mary?” In this post, we’ll look at several plausible explanations, such as Joseph’s age when he married Mary and other crucial data.

How Old Was Joseph When He Married Mary?

The Bible does not say how old Joseph was when he married Mary. There are some recommendations from other sources.

According to some versions, Mary had reached puberty, which allowed her to become pregnant. Furthermore, it was illegal for a girl under the age of 12 to marry.

how old was joseph when he married mary

As a result, because the Bible describes Joseph as a good man, we can presume that he followed cultural norms before marrying Mary. As a result, Joseph was probably around 20 years old when he married Mary.

According to another story, Mary and Joseph moved to Bethlehem to pay taxes as Caesar had ordered. As a result, the couple had reached the age of 18 or older when they went to Bethlehem to pay taxes.

How was Joseph’s Engagement With Mary Saved?

Mary was engaged to Joseph when something happened that changed their lives forever. She was pregnant with a child before Joseph had sexual knowledge of her. When Joseph learned it, he began to consider how to terminate the engagement without drawing the attention of the public.

An angel of the Lord, however, appeared to Joseph and informed him that the Holy Spirit had enabled his wife’s pregnancy. The angel also told Joseph that the child would grow up to be the sinful world’s savior. He also gives Joseph the name his son will have when he is born.

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Mary and Joseph’s Relationship

According to Matthew’s Gospel (1:18-25), Joseph was a just man, a descendant of King David, and a carpenter by trade. When he found out Mary, a young woman from Nazareth, was pregnant, he was engaged.

He intended to cancel the engagement gently at first, so she would not be shamed or penalized in public or by the law. However, in a dream, an angel appeared to him and told him that the kid was conceived by the Holy Spirit and would save His people from their sins.

Joseph followed the angel’s command and married Mary, but they did not have sexual relations until after Jesus was born.

The Gospel of Luke (1:26-56) provides additional information on Mary’s origins and the events surrounding her conception. Mary was a virgin when the angel Gabriel appeared to her and told her that she would conceive a son by the Holy Spirit and name Him Jesus.

She believed the message and rejoiced in the Lord’s favor. Later, she paid a visit to her cousin Elizabeth, who was also expecting John the Baptist, and thanked God for His goodness and faithfulness.

The Bible does not state explicitly how old Joseph and Mary were when they married or when they had Jesus. However, certain non-Bible sources say that Joseph was much older than Mary, which has sparked significant disagreement among historians and theologians.

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At, Benjamin Johnson writes content as a senior writer. Along with the most recent news, he covers many different topics. He is the ideal candidate for our entertainment category because he enjoys watching television shows a lot and sometimes also write the latest news.