How to Write an Evaluation Essay?

The word ‘evaluation’ speaks for itself. If you’re unfamiliar with this type of essay, one glance at the name should be enough to figure out what it’s about. Put, you have to “evaluate” the topic. It’s quite similar to a review but less opinionated than one. This type of writing requires in-depth research on the subject and an exploration of multiple aspects with supporting evidence.

You don’t have to worry too much about not being able to tackle such papers. If you’re short of time, you can hire experts who write essays for money. But if you’re just worried that you won’t do a good job, this blog will take you through all the steps to do justice to such a paper. So, read on!

How to Write an Evaluation Essay?

What is an Evaluation Essay?

An evaluation essay is a piece of academic writing in which you conduct an in-depth evaluation of a topic based on predetermined criteria. Its purpose is quite simple. All you have to do is provide an overall idea about a certain item, subject, business, service, etc. Keep in mind that you cannot be opinionated. An evaluation essay should always present a bias-free assessment.

You can always contact experts if you’re hesitant about writing this independently. But don’t proceed if you’re constantly plagued by thoughts like, “Is paying someone to write an essay illegal?” While it is not illegal, you do not need to worry about the ifs and buts. Instead, you can try mastering this type of content yourself.

Important Aspects of Evaluative Writing

Before you dive into a step-by-step process of how to write such a paper, it’s important to understand the important aspects associated with it, namely –

  • Criteria
  • Judgment
  • Evidence

Let’s go through each one at a time.

1. Criteria

First, you have the criteria based on which you conduct the evaluation. There are set criteria for every subject. For example, if you were to evaluate a hotel, you would look at aspects like hospitality, cleanliness, value for money, etc. But if you had to evaluate a movie, these factors wouldn’t matter. Instead, you would have to focus on execution, acting, camera shots, direction, music, and other aspects related to the movie.

2. Judgment

Judgment refers to your conclusion about whether the subject of your evaluation has been able to meet the set criteria. You need to have a benchmark in this case. Otherwise, it becomes difficult to determine whether the subject meets the criteria. Ask yourself whether the subject you’re evaluating meets your expectations or falls short. To avoid being subjective in this section, compare it to the benchmark for a more objective evaluation.

3. Evidence

A good evaluation essay’s mark lies in the evidence you present to support your claims. For example, if you think that a movie fails to live up to the expectations of directing, you need to present a compelling and logical argument. Highlight instances in the movie that are a result of poor directing. Once you add these examples, your essay stops being a biased review and becomes an objective assessment.

Steps Involved in Writing an Evaluation Essay

Now that you know the important aspects of such a paper, it’s time to write the content. Remember that this assignment follows the same structure as any other essay. In other words, you have to divide your writing into three segments –

  • The introduction
  • The body
  • The conclusion

It is best if you stick to this standard essay-writing format.

Now, let’s understand the steps you should follow to compose your paper.

Step 1: Conduct Research to Remain Balanced

You can’t skip research, no matter which topic you tackle for evaluation writing. Go through research papers, journals, conference lectures, reviews, and other sources of information before you even think about writing. Remember that you must be objective, which won’t be possible unless you thoroughly explore both sides of the coin. That means you have to check the following –

  • Pros and cons
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Multiple perspectives

Once you have a clearer idea of the topic, you can explore both in your writing and avoid being branded as biased.

Step 2: Figure Out the Evaluation Criteria

Following pre-determined evaluation criteria can help you form your judgment better. Let’s consider these criteria to be the same reasons. It’s up to you to explore each of these in separate paragraphs. But remember that each paragraph dedicated to one criterion should also include judgment and evidence.

Now, different subjects have different evaluation criteria. For example, if you’re reviewing a product, you’d focus on its durability, ease of use, effectiveness, longevity, etc. However, if you’re reviewing a hotel, you’d base your evaluation on factors like hospitality, cost, local attractions, cleanliness, etc. As you can see, the content will vary depending on your choice of subject and its corresponding evaluation criteria.

Step 3: Come Up With Your Evaluation Argument

Once you’ve researched, it’s time to figure out your stance on the topic. Does it exceed your expectations, or is something else left to be desired? Think about it carefully when coming up with the evaluation argument. Don’t just look at the positive aspects. Take special notice of the shortcomings as well. That’s when you’ll be able to come to an unbiased conclusion.

Let’s consider the following example. You’ve watched a movie and want to write an evaluation essay on it. Let’s note down your observations based on certain criteria –

  • Plot – The plot of the movie was too cliché. There was barely anything that you could consider unique.
  • Characters – The characters were well-rounded. They didn’t fit the conventional roles and provided a lot of entertainment.
  • Directing – The director chose to play safe, but there were instances of genius throughout the movie.

Combining them, you can come to the final argument: “The movie chose to play it safe with a well-loved cliché and sub-par direction but is memorable because of the brilliant characters.”

Step 4: Create the Outline of the Essay

Once you’ve finalized everything you want to cover in your paper, it’s time to create the outline. Since you have to follow the standard essay format, there’s no need to stress how you’ll frame your content. Instead, you should focus on which aspects you’d like to cover in the body.

Usually, you dedicate one paragraph each for the introduction and conclusion. Then, finalize the number of body paragraphs depending on the length of your paper and the number of aspects you have to cover. For example, if you cover three major criteria, dedicate one paragraph to each.

Step 5: Present Your Evidence Properly

In any evaluative piece of writing, your evidence is crucial to maintaining a neutral stance. For every criterion you evaluate, you must present evidence supporting your judgment. Let’s take an example.

After reviewing a movie, you might conclude that the acting might not be up to the mark. As evidence, you can present certain scenes where the actors are too stiff. To make your observation more effective, compare it to another movie of the same genre. When you present your evidence well and use logic to substantiate your point, readers can’t help but agree.

Step 6: Edit and Proofread the Content

There’s no shortcut to editing and proofreading. If you’re short on time and think you can’t finish the task before the deadline, use a tool or hire a professional to edit and proofread the content. Otherwise, your professors will likely find multiple errors throughout the content. In that case, you can forget about getting an A+ in your essay.

In summary

An evaluation essay is a type of academic writing where you review a subject based on predetermined criteria. You can compare the subject to similar ones to draw a more suitable conclusion. This type of paper requires presenting evidence to avoid becoming an opinionated piece. Since it follows the same format as any other essay, you need not worry too much. You can always hire a professional for guidance if push comes to shove.

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