Colin Cowherd Wife
Colin Cowherd Wife

Colin Cowherd Wife: Unveiling the Mystery of His Marriage Life!

The well-known sports media figure Colin Cowherd, who hosts “The Herd with Colin Cowherd,” is married to Ann Cowherd. With Colin’s prosperous work, the pair, who have been married for more than 20 years, has established a solid foundation. Ann Cowherd has been a constant in Colin’s life despite leading a tranquil life.

Ann adds to their family’s stability as a devoted wife and helpful spouse. Though the focus is mainly on Colin’s career, their strong marriage gives a human dimension to his complex image as a sports analyst and radio broadcaster.

Colin Cowherd Wife

Ann Hamilton-Cowherd and Colin Cowherd were wed in 2010. Ann is not Colin’s first wife; he was previously divorced from Kimberly Vadala, his first spouse, whom he married from 1996 to 2007.

Ann has a quiet profile and isn’t known to show off her life to the world. Sources claim that the two got together following Colin’s final divorce from Kimberly, his first wife.

The Fox Sports announcer was looking for a particular designer to help with his new home when he first met the other through a real estate agent. Colin discussed their meeting with Renee Paquette in an interview.

“So, I was divorced and living in a condo in Hartford,” Colin said. “And I was looking for something at the time. Liz, was the name of my real estate agent, and she said, ‘I’ve got this woman and she’s been separated for 8 or 9 months and her name is Ann.’ And she goes, ‘I don’t set people up, I’m not saying it’s for me but she’s a designer, and you said you were looking for a designer if you buy the place. So, here’s her number.’

“As she was talking, I dialed Ann’s number and put it on speaker. And I said, ‘Hey Ann, I heard you’re hot, let’s go out. Liz here totally set me up.’ And Liz starts screaming, and Ann’s laughing, and Liz is screaming. And I said, ‘Hey, I need a designer, but I’d love to go out with you.'”

Ann is not only the stepmother to Colin’s children, but she also has four children from her previous marriage. Save for Liv, who has amassed a sizable social media following, the couple has made every effort to avoid mentioning the identities of their kids.

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When Did Ann and Colin Meet Each Other?

Early in 2009, Ann and Colin got to know one another through their mutual acquaintance Trace Gallagher. Within a short time, the pair fell in love, and in 2010, Ann and Colin were married. Colin Cowherd was previously married to Kimberly Ann Vadala, his first wife. Ann is his second wife. Colin had eleven years of marriage to his first wife, whom he divorced in 2007.

Colin Cowherd’s First Wife, Kimberly

Ann Cowherd married Kimberly Ann Vadala before he married the sportscaster. Ann is a gifted woman who has a strong interest in yoga and spinning. She is also a coach for triathlon and basketball. Kimberly and Olivia at home for the holidays in December of 2022.

According to Kim’s Facebook post, she signed her first book on June 5, 2021, at NoButcher Deli (Rainbow and Spring Mountain). Kim is also an author.

Her first book, A Simple Soul: Moving from Fear to Love, discusses the lessons she’s learned about life from competing in sports, running, triathlons, marriage, divorce, and having kids, as well as the advantages of yoga and healthy living.

With a picture of herself clutching her book and a long comment, she shared that it’s a must-read and hoped that others would join her at her brother-in-law’s restaurant.

Colin Cowherd Children

Kimberly and Colin have two children together. Olivia, his daughter, attended Arizona State University. After eleven years of marriage, the sportscaster and Kim had two children: a sixteen-year-old boy and a twenty-two-year-old daughter, Olivia Cowherd.

While the younger Cowherd avoids the spotlight, his mother’s Facebook profile features images of him. Furthermore, their son is featured in two photos posted on Kim’s Facebook page. The first is a June 2020 snapshot of Kim and her two children sitting for a picture in front of a painting.

They were all three wearing matching striped t-shirts and beret hats. They are shown enjoying Christmas weekend at their house in December 2022 in the picture that follows.

Colin shared photos of himself and his children celebrating Father’s Day in Vegas in June 2020. The caption of the other picture describes him and his children going skiing on Christmas as a family tradition.

About Jasley Marry 1255 Articles
Jasley Marry grew up in Durham, North Carolina, where she spent twelve ascetic years as a vegetarian before discovering spicy chicken wings are, in fact, a delicacy. She’s been a state-finalist competitive pianist, a hitchhiker, a pizza connoisseur, an EMT, an ex-pat in China and Sweden, and a science doctoral student. She’s also a bit of a snob about fancy whiskey. Jasley writes early in the morning, then spends the rest of the day trying to impress her Border collie puppy and make her experiments work.