One Piece: 8 Strongest Logia Type Devil Fruit Users
One Piece: 8 Strongest Logia Type Devil Fruit Users

One Piece: 8 Strongest Logia Type Devil Fruit Users

Logia-type Devil Fruits provide their users extraordinary powers in the vast and enthralling world of “One Piece,” allowing them to alter, produce, and transform into natural components.

Users of Logia become strong forces in combat thanks to these talents. The Logia-type offers its wielders unmatched advantages, from dominating darkness and ice to directing fire and smoke.

Encounters with these Logia users reveal spectacular battles that redefine the boundaries of power as Monkey D. Luffy and explore the seas together. We explore the eight most robust Logia-type Devil Fruit users in this mission, whose command of many components creates the vast fabric of “One Piece.”

One Piece: 8 Strongest Logia Type Devil Fruit Users

In the One Piece universe, the devil fruits are a special kind of power. Before witnessing some of the most vital devil fruits ever discovered, we were first introduced to a wide variety of devil fruits. Of the three varieties, the Logia-type devil fruits are said to be the rarest.

This type of devil fruit supposedly produces the most potent powers and abilities in the One Piece universe. Every Marine, from the most vile Blackbeard to the most fearsome Admiral, is among the most incredible users of Logia devil fruit. As a result, we have compiled a list of One Piece’s top 8 toughest Logia devil fruits.

1. Yami Yami no Mi

The Blackbeard Pirate commander, Marshall D. Teach, is now even more terrifying and commands a prominent place on our list of the most potent Logia devil fruit users because he possesses two devil fruit talents.

The Yami Yami no Mi, his first demon fruit, gives them the ability to use the actual powers of darkness. He is also able to absorb objects thanks to a power that resembles a black hole. Blackbeard, in contrast to every other Logia user, is unable to vanish entirely into the night.

However, he possesses an even more unique ability that allows him to neutralize the devil fruit talents of his opponents. It is a terrible power, but when it is in the hands of the most ferocious pirate on the Grand Line, it becomes even more terrifying.

Like a black hole, this devil fruit user may destroy anything by sucking it into the emptiness of the dark. However, the unique ability to touch adversaries and negate their skills is quite potent.

2. Magu Magu no Mi

The ideal devil fruit for total devastation is Magu Magu no Mi. It is thought to be even more potent than fire and is the most vital raw power in the One Piece universe. At will, the individual can make and manipulate magma by changing into it.

This demon fruit gave Akainu the ability to wreak havoc on the earth. In the Marineford conflict, he demonstrated the devil fruit’s terrifying abilities by severely wounding Whitebeard and even taking our cherished Ace’s life.

The defensive abilities of this devil fruit are pretty helpful, but its offensive potential is unmatched. With the powers of magma, the person may severely hurt other people and melt any weapons in front of him. Magnesium is obviously the winner because it is more potent than fire in every manner.

Since One Piece is nearing its conclusion, we will likely witness Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates battle Akainu and soon learn the full extent of one of the most vigorous Logia devil fruit’s abilities.

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3. Hie Hie no Mi

One of the most robust Logia devil fruit users, Aokiji gets his extremely extraordinary (literally) powers from the Hie Hie no Mi devil fruit. One of the most potent devil fruits ever discovered is currently in the possession of an ex-admiral.

It is the only devil fruit that, by freezing the entire sea around it, may remove a devil fruit’s general weakness. Ice can be entirely created, controlled, and reshaped by the user. His freezing abilities are both menacing and fascinating.

Anybody or anything in contact—including the oceans—can be frozen by the user. They are also capable of crafting ice swords and other weaponry. Moreover, the user is protected from attacks by their intangible body.

We haven’t seen Aokiji in a while, but during the best One Piece storyline, the Marineford war arc, he showed off the ridiculously awesome powers of this devil fruit.

4. Pika Pika no Mi

The user inherits the properties of light and can create, control, and change light as they see fit. They can move via reflections and at the speed of light. Theoretically, this makes them the fastest being in the world.

By using the force of light, the user may launch powerful laser beam attacks from his hands and even his feet. The user can construct weaponry since they can construct anything using light.

This devil fruit’s light-based properties allowed Kizaru to defeat Basil Hawkins, Urouge, X Drake, and Scratchmen Apoo easily with a single strike. Kizaru is among One Piece’s greatest Logia devil fruit addicts because of this.

Furthermore, the user can launch vicious physical attacks at the speed of light with kicks. As a result, Pika Pika no Mi is undoubtedly one of the most muscular Logia devil fruits. As Kizaru is currently traveling to Egghead, we will get to see its abilities once more.

5. Goro Goro no Mi

Because of its powerful devil fruit abilities, Goro Goro no Mi is thought to be unbeatable since it enables the user to change into a lightning human. The user has the power to create and control lightning as well as entirely turn it into lightning.

With lightning zaps and other tools, one can use this lightning ability offensively, a la Shazam from DC. Lightning strikes have a voltage of up to 200 million volts, which can instantly electrocute targets and cause serious harm. Additionally, for safety, the user can teleport through conductive objects like gold, significantly increasing their mobility in defense.

Another one of our versatile Logias is Goro Goro no Mi. In addition to the abilities listed above, if someone knocks the person unconscious, they can even revive themselves using their own heart, much like a defibrillator. We could discuss all day about the potent attacks in this devil fruit’s arsenal—they can even summon clouds and unleash thousands of lightning bolts. That is the strength of this terrible fruit.

6. Mera Mera no Mi

Mera Mera no Mi is, without a doubt, the first Logia devil fruit that captured the hearts of One Piece fans. Fire has long been a compelling element in shows of all kinds.

In this case, Mera Mera no Mi gives the user the ability to transform into a fiery character with the ability to create, manipulate, and alter fire. Fire has incredibly adaptable properties that can be used to generate a variety of ferocious and potent strikes.

Among the most potent and dangerous elemental skills is fire. Having a solid defense against fire-related attacks, the user is able to produce anything using fire. Ace was observed hurling fireballs, firing fire bullets, and even conjuring up a massive fireball that resembled a miniature sun.

We were unfortunate to lose Ace so quickly despite these extremely potent offensive capabilities. However, Sabo has been able to maximize the benefits of this devil fruit since he inherited it from his sworn brother. We hope to see Mera Mera no Mi’s lightning-fast abilities return shortly.

7. Mori Mori no Mi

Fans of One Piece who foresaw Admiral Ryokugyu’s plant-based abilities were spot on. We were ecstatic when Ryokugyu disclosed the plant-based devil fruit skills in the Wano epilogue since we had been eagerly awaiting their emergence.

After consuming the Mori Mori no Mi, Ryokugyu gained the ability to construct, control, and regenerate his body into a vibrant forest. With his Mori Mori no Mi, the Greenbull can grow into one of the most formidable Logia devil fruit users.

He now can grow plants inside of him. More crucially, though, this devil fruit allows the user to draw water out of any living thing, just like the Suna Suna no Mi. The group of samurai who attempted to harm him caused him some trouble, but he was able to defeat the king and queen quickly.

Even Ryokugyu can make plants resistant to fire. However, we will have to wait a while to see Green Bull’s full range of seductive capabilities. This devil fruit is among the most vital Logia devil fruits based only on a brief peek of its powers.

8. Gasu Gasu no Mi

The Gasu Gasu, no Mi devil fruit’s abilities, are related to gases, as the name would imply. This user of devil fruit can create, control, and change into a gas at will. Because he is an expert in the science of gases, Caesar Clown, a scientist, was able to maximize the powers of this devil fruit.

The gas produced by the Gasu Gasu no Mi devil fruit is exceedingly deadly and can entirely transform the user into a ghost-like gas figure. This user can also regulate the other gases that are currently present in the vicinity. For instance, one can totally deplete the oxygen in space and cause their opponents to pass out from suffocation.

Because the gas is so potent and explosive, the user can also create controlled explosions. Since these abilities allow for place transcending as well as hiding and sneaking anyplace, they can also be employed for stealth.

Overall, this fruit has several practical and adaptable abilities, and only an experienced user will be able to turn it into one of the most potent Logia devil fruits ever.

About Jasley Marry 1255 Articles
Jasley Marry grew up in Durham, North Carolina, where she spent twelve ascetic years as a vegetarian before discovering spicy chicken wings are, in fact, a delicacy. She’s been a state-finalist competitive pianist, a hitchhiker, a pizza connoisseur, an EMT, an ex-pat in China and Sweden, and a science doctoral student. She’s also a bit of a snob about fancy whiskey. Jasley writes early in the morning, then spends the rest of the day trying to impress her Border collie puppy and make her experiments work.