Jujutsu Kaisen, the wildly popular anime series adapted from Gege Akutami’s manga, took the anime community by storm with its compelling storylines, unique characters, and jaw-dropping battles. Among the beloved characters is Yuji Itadori, the protagonist whose fate left fans pondering.
With the conclusion of Season 1, viewers are eagerly awaiting news about Itadori’s role in Season 2. In this article, we delve into the facts and provide evidence surrounding Itadori’s potential return in the upcoming season.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Release Date
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 was premiere on July 6th, 2023. You can catch all the action by streaming it exclusively on Crunchyroll. While there’s no specific date for the English dub yet, it’s expected to be available around August.
Crunchyroll also unveiled a season 2 visual during AnimeJapan featuring Gojo and Suguru Geto:
NEWS: JUJUTSU KAISEN TV Anime Unleashes Its Power in Brand New Season 2 Visual
🔥 MORE: https://t.co/4NA94oCUwB pic.twitter.com/vJchrrQiLx
— JUJUTSU KAISEN EN (@Jujutsu_Kaisen_) March 24, 2023
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Recap
Before we proceed, let’s briefly recap Season 1 to understand the context of Itadori’s situation. Yuji Itadori is a high school student who unwittingly becomes the host of Sukuna, a powerful curse.
Despite his possession, Itadori remains in control of his body. In Season 1, we witnessed his journey as a first-year student at Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School, where he trains to become a jujutsu sorcerer and protect the world from curses.
The Cliffhanger Ending
Season 1 of Jujutsu Kaisen concluded with a cliffhanger that left fans on the edge of their seats. Itadori, after a fierce battle with the Special Grade curse Ryomen Sukuna, sacrificed himself to defeat the curse once and for all.
While Itadori’s life force is drained, he finds himself in a unique situation due to the special circumstances surrounding his connection with Sukuna.
Is Itadori in Season 2? Proof and Evidence
To gauge Itadori’s future in Season 2, we can refer to the source material—the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. It’s important to note that this article’s knowledge cutoff is in September 2021, and the manga was ongoing at that time.
Since Season 1 of the anime, the Jujutsu Kaisen manga has continued with new stories and adventures. Itadori, the main character, continues to play an important role in these later arcs. The anime has a reputation for staying true to the manga, so there’s a good chance we’ll see Itadori return in future seasons.
Studio MAPPA’s Announcement
The animation studio behind Jujutsu Kaisen, MAPPA, has not made any official announcements or statements suggesting that Itadori will be absent in Season 2.
Production companies typically recognize the importance of keeping popular characters involved to maintain viewer interest and engagement. Hence, Itadori’s absence would be a significant departure from the established pattern, making it unlikely.
Fans React to Missing Chapter 64 of Jujutsu Kaisen
Fans are upset that the makers of the anime decided not to include the 64th chapter of Jujutsu Kaisen. But, there are still some people who are hoping that this part might be in the upcoming season, maybe as a flashback.
Is There A Trailer for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2?
Yes, we got to see a teaser trailer of Jujutsu Kaisen’s second season on March 24th, 2023. The short teaser shows a young Gojo and introduces us to some of his classmates. The season seems really exciting with lots of action and Gojo’s fun personality. You can watch the teaser below.
While there is no direct confirmation regarding Itadori’s presence in Season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen, the evidence strongly suggests that he will indeed return. The source material, the anime studio’s history, and the character’s popularity among fans all point towards Itadori’s reappearance.
As we eagerly await the release of Season 2, we can reasonably anticipate witnessing Itadori’s continued growth as a jujutsu sorcerer and his ongoing battles against curses in this action-packed anime series.
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