Seven Reasons to Study International Relations and Diplomacy

Many young people today have the drive and motivation to change the world. Today’s generation is not satisfied working a 9-5 job, spending their days focused on generating profits for large corporations. Instead, what this new generation wants is to speak up for their rights and make the world a better place.

Their determination is evident from the fervor and passion with which today’s kids participate in model UNs and other mock activities for future leaders. They want to be lawyers, politicians, and diplomats and have the power to bring about real change.

If you harbor a similar drive and passion, studying international relations and diplomacy may be just the thing for you. With a professional degree in these subjects, you will acquire an in-depth understanding of the issues that plague today’s global society and be able to take effective action to improve the international state of affairs.

In this article, we tell you why you should consider studying international relations and diplomacy by discussing the skills it can help you develop and the career options you can pursue. Let’s get started!

Seven Reasons to Study International Relations and Diplomacy

A Diverse Qualification

Since international relations and diplomacy is not a very popular major amongst students, many people aren’t fully aware of what the study consists of. International relations is a broad subject that encompasses elements from the social sciences, such as political science, history, and sociology. Coupled with diplomacy, it becomes an excellent qualification for landing for aspiring changemakers.

A diplomacy and international relations degree is a diverse educational experience that teaches you essential skills essential for future leaders. By touching upon the many different subjects, you can learn about many different aspects of international social issues and develop an insightful perspective.

A Valuable Skillset

Gone are the days when intelligence and competency were measured solely by academic success. Today, there is great demand for individuals who possess emotional intelligence and the skills required to navigate social situations. International relations and diplomacy is a field of study that focuses primarily on relationship management and conflict resolution.

Students of international relations and diplomacy learn a variety of skills, including effective communication, dispute mediation, and negotiation tactics.

As a student of the subject, you will become a master at managing disputes and learn all you need to know about finding your way out of complex situations.

A Key to Law School

Law school has one of the most competitive admissions processes out of all graduate schools. From excellent grades, acing the LSAT, and demonstrating drive and motivation, aspiring law students surely have their work cut out for them. What can help land a spot in a law college is an undergraduate degree that will help you through law school and as a professional lawyer.

A bachelor’s in international relations and diplomacy is a great option. Over the course of four years, you will learn negotiation techniques and positive assertiveness, both of which are valuable skills required in the legal profession. The art of diplomacy, after all, is the true strength of a lawyer, and studying it as an undergraduate will help you gain an edge over other applicants.

A Chance to Make a Difference

One of the main reasons why students decide to study international relations and diplomacy is that they wish to be future leaders who can steer the world in the right direction. As an international relations and diplomacy graduate, you can get a seat at the table where decisions regarding national and global issues are made.

If your goal is to bring about positive change in the world and stand up for the less fortunate, enrolling in an international relations and diplomacy degree is a great place to start. You may have to start small, but over time, your qualification will open doors for you to rooms where people will listen.

A Variety of Career Pathways

One of the best parts of studying international relations and diplomacy is that a bevy of career pathways open up to you. The obvious options are politics, law, and activism, but there are many other pathways for international relations and diplomacy graduates. You’ll be surprised to know that many of these have nothing to do with governmental affairs.

For instance, you can look after regulatory affairs or logistics for a corporate organization, or you can explore a career as a public relations specialist. There are also many opportunities for international relations and diplomacy experts in the non-profit sector, where you can work on making a different sort of impact.

A Practical Experience

One thing that sets international relations and diplomacy apart from similar degrees is that most colleges that offer this qualification require students to gain practical experience alongside their studies. This is gained through internships, volunteer work, and part-time jobs. In order to truly understand the complexities surrounding international relations, one must see how policies, strategies, and laws work in the real world.

With the practical experience you learn during your degree, you will become a much more eligible candidate once you enter the job market. Furthermore, by getting a taste of how things work in the profession, you will be better equipped to decide whether a specific role fits you or not.

A Life of Travel

While this may not be the reason you decide to pursue a career in international relations and diplomacy, the traveling that comes with this field is a nice perk. Most people working in roles that are connected with international relations and diplomacy look after issues of global interest. Therefore, they are often required to travel to other countries.

While many jobs require traveling, very few come with the privileges that international relations experts and diplomats enjoy while on official trips. Therefore, if you’re on the fence about the field, this may be the reason to help you decide.

Final Words

The study of international relations and diplomacy offers numerous compelling reasons for individuals to pursue this field. These reasons contribute to the field’s growing popularity, and as a globally relevant subject, there is no shortage of employment opportunities for graduates. By studying international relations and diplomacy, you will find yourself growing immensely not only as a professional but also as an individual.

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