Steps to read Covid related data from table
As you know, Coronavirus has affected every corner of the world. In some countries, the trend of the spread is higher; in others, it is lesser. However, the epicenter of the spread was different during various time periods. Here we have presented the world map.
You must be wondering how to read the data of this table from the Chart or world map to access Covid 19 related information. Let me guide you with the steps to read the data to get updated information: –
- The world map is in front of you. Now you can hover over each and every country to know the total number of Covid positive cases,
- When you click on the specific country, it will direct you to the graph of total Covid positive cases in that country.
- While reading that graph, you will be able to know when the number of cases was low in that country and when it was in a higher trend.
- There are multiple tabs just below the data table. You can select the option from those tabs to access data how you want to see and manipulate it.
- Every first tab is for Chart. Once you click on it, you will be able to watch the graph of the Covid positive cases cumulative.
- From there, you can select the countries for which you want to access the chart data.
- It will show you the date when the first case comes, and you will be able to witness how the graph trend rises as the total number of Covid positive cases rises.
- The next tab option is the map. Once you click, you will be on the same world map where you first landed while you open this link. You can explore it more, or you can simply move to the next tab that is the table.
- Once you click on it, you will get the covid related data in table form. In the first column, there is a list of countries. Then there is a column for the number of cases on January 22, 2020. The next column is for the number of cases till the current date. The next column is for absolute change in the number of cases, and the last one is for the relative change in the number of cases in percentage.
- In the next tab, you will get the source for the data you are accessing right now.
- The next one is for download. You can select to download the complete data in either png or SVG format.
- The next tab is for sharing this data table with any of your preferred social media platforms. And the last tab is to access this data in a separate window, and once you click on it, it will direct you to a website that is in the new window. There you can get access to this table with more options to access more deeply informative data.
All the detailed information has mentioned above regarding reading and accessing data. If you have any queries regarding it, you can comment below. Stay tuned with us for the latest news updates all around the world.