Yellowstone coffee logo lawsuit
Yellowstone coffee logo lawsuit

Yellowstone Show Creator and Actor Lock Horns Over Coffee Logo

In a surprising turn of events, the picturesque ranch that serves as the backdrop for the hit TV series “Yellowstone” is now the center stage for a legal showdown over coffee logos. Tyler Sheridan, the show’s creator and showrunner, has thrown down the legal gauntlet, suing his own actor, Cole Hauser, over alleged trademark infringement, unfair competition, and false advertising. The bone of contention? The strikingly similar logos used by their respective coffee ventures.

Sheridan’s Bosque Ranch Craft Coffee, named after his Texas-based ranch, claims that Hauser’s Free Rein coffee brand’s logo bears an uncanny resemblance to theirs, both featuring “two overlapping letters.” Bosque Ranch, sporting the overlapping “BR” logo since 2004, recently launched a coffee lineup in June 2023. However, in October, Free Rein Coffee made its debut, proudly displaying a logo with overlapping “FR” letters.

Sheridan’s ranch alleges that Hauser and his coffee company never sought nor received permission to use a mark so similar to the established “BR” brand. The lawsuit contends that this unauthorized use is “likely to cause confusion or deceive” consumers regarding the affiliation with Bosque Ranch. Seeking an injunction, damages, and profits from Free Rein, Bosque Ranch is also demanding the destruction of all products, marketing, and promotional materials featuring the contentious logo.

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Trademark infringement cases, according to attorney Josh Gerben, are usually intricate affairs hinging on the evidence presented. In this case, a judge or jury will weigh whether the average consumer could be misled into purchasing Free Rein Coffee when intending to buy Bosque Ranch Craft Coffee. Gerben notes that if other coffee brands feature similar logos with overlapping letters, the case could be weakened, suggesting a crowded marketplace of similar trademarks.

What adds a twist to this legal saga is the fact that it involves two colleagues from the same TV show. Gerben finds it “a little surprising” since he believes there was a clear opportunity for settlement discussions. Sheridan’s decision to file a federal lawsuit implies that negotiations failed to yield the desired outcome, escalating the dispute to a courtroom battle.

As the legal curtains rise on this coffee-fueled drama, the outcome remains uncertain. The clash of logos between the creator and an actor from the iconic “Yellowstone” series adds a layer of intrigue to an already captivating storyline. Only time will tell how this real-life saga unfolds and whether the courts will rule in favor of Bosque Ranch or Free Rein Coffee. For now, coffee enthusiasts and legal eagles alike will be watching this case closely, eager to see which logo gets to reign supreme.

About Karen Millions 1183 Articles
Karen Millions was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karen considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Tupelo.