According to a log of 911 calls acquired by Fox News Digital, snowplough operator Jeremy Renner was “totally crushed” under a snowcat and was having trouble “breathing” on New Year’s Day. After Renner sustained orthopaedic and chest wounds, he was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment.
According to reports, he was the “only involved party in the event” near his Lake Tahoe house. At 8:58 a.m., dispatch received a call about a person who was “moaning loudly in the background” and who was bleeding heavily. Subject is bleeding heavily from his head and other unknown injuries,” dispatch noted seconds later.
Furthermore, it was mentioned that the caller wondered “where all the blood is coming from.” The report also noted that Renner likely suffered “right side chest collapse” and “upper torso crushing.” On Sunday, January 1st, deputies responded to reports of a serious injury near Mt. Rose Highway, which is close to the border between California and Nevada.

The roads were said to be “very ice” from the storm the night before, so “Careflight and Incline Fire” were asked to attend to the call. The journal warned that there were “several stranded vehicles to watch out for,” but that the travellers would be fine.
According to transcripts, at 9:44 am, authorities said, “Jeremy Renner has all types of injuries but is currently breath[ing] and con[scious] – being loaded into careflight now.” During a press conference on Tuesday, Washoe County Sheriff Darin Balaam said that at 8:55 a.m. on Sunday, deputies responded to a 911 call.
He explained that Mt. Rose Highway was blocked because of the weather, even though snow had not fallen at the time of the accident. First responders had arrived by 9:30 a.m. A “care flight” was called at 9:56 a.m. to transport “Mr. Renner” to the hospital.
As for the actor from “Mission: Impossible,” Balaam detailed how the mishap occurred. According to Balaam, a family member driving Renner’s personal vehicle got stranded. Renner went back for his PistenBully, a snowcat that weighs in at 14,000 pounds.
Renner towed his own car out of the driveway and stepped down from the snowcat before the enormous snow groomer began to move. “Mr. Renner tried to get back into the driver’s seat of the rolling PistenBully,” Balaam explained. According to our findings, Mr. Renner is hit by the PistenBully at this time.
Our best guess is that this was a horrible accident,” Balaam said. Continued inquiry is being conducted at this time. No foul play is suspected on our part. Neighbors rushed to aid Mr. Renner after he was run over by a PistenBully. While Renner heals, he and his family will be in “our thoughts and prayers,” he said.

Renner’s agent told Fox News Digital on Tuesday, “Jeremy is making positive progress and is awake, talking, and in good spirits.” He is still in critical but stable condition in the intensive care unit. The outpouring of love and support has completely overwhelmed him. While he recovers at home with his loved ones, the family asks for your continuous prayers.
In the wake of a horrific catastrophe on New Year’s Day, the Avenger’s star posted a selfie to Instagram. He expressed his gratitude for the support by writing, “Thank you all for your nice sentiments.” Right now I’m in too much of a muddle to put together a coherent message. On the other hand, I am sending my love to everyone.
After the event on Thursday, he quipped that he needed a “ICU Spa moment” to feel better. Renner, his eyes only half open, remarked in a shaky voice, “this is the first shower… probably around a week at the most… gross!”
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