alice in borderland season 3 episode 1
alice in borderland season 3 episode 1

Alice in Borderland Season 3 Episode 1 Release Date: What Will Happen in Season 3?

Netflix has officially greenlit Alice in Borderland for a third season, which is great news following the disappointing season 2 finale. Arisu (Kento Yamazaki) and his allies were about to celebrate when the gamemaster drew the Joker, a devastating card.

Sincere honesty tells us that this was inevitable. The Joker’s appearance was inevitable from the moment the face card arrived. After what seemed like an eternity away from the “real world,” how would the traumatized gamers ever adjust? What follows is a complete rundown of Season 3 of Alice in Borderland.

Alice in Borderland Season 3 Episode 1 Release Date

Following the success of the second season, which became Netflix Japan’s most-watched title ever, Netflix has revealed that Alice in Borderland will return for a third season. Season one was released in December of the same year, and fans had to wait a little over two years for season two to follow.

But that doesn’t imply we should necessarily set our sights on Christmas 2024. Production on season two was slowed down by the pandemic, which added another year to the wait. With that out of the way, season three might be available on streaming services as early as Spring of 2024.

We may be stretching the definition of “early” a bit here, but a year is still a long time. However, if you want those jaw-dropping production values, you shouldn’t hurry these things.

The problem is it seems like everything was resolved by the end of season two: Arisu and friends’ whereabouts, the strange population decline in the city, and the relentless pursuit of psychopaths with a playing card motif were all explained.

However, in the last picture, the Joker appeared. Do we still have *another* layer of reality to encounter at the hospital? Our little human brains can’t handle it.

Alice in Borderland will return for Season 3:

Who is Coming Back for Alice in Borderland Season 3?

Niragi (Dori Sakurada) and Aguni (ShĂ´ Aoyagi) were two unexpected guests from season one of Alice in Borderland who we assumed had dead, but who made a triumphant return in season two.

Despite being severely damaged (especially Niragi), they managed to survive season two. Therefore, we can anticipate their return in season three.

When it comes to Tatta, things are different. We can almost guarantee that Yutaro Watanabe’s character will not be returning from the dead, given that he was laid to rest midway through the season.

After enduring multiple near-death experiences, including explosions, stabbings, and more, Arisu and Usagi (played by Tao Tsuchiya) are back for another season—and maybe more. I am really excited!

We anticipate that Aya Asahina, NijirĂ´ Murakami, and Ayaka Miyoshi will return to their roles as Kuina, Chishiya, and Ann, respectively, since they, too, struggled to cross the finish line.

We shouldn’t be surprised to see Heiya, played by newcomer Yuri Tsunematsu, return, given that she was spared from the chopping block.

In an interview with Nextshark, Mira Kano’s actress Riisa Naka expressed her desire for a third season and the return of her character. She was introduced in season one as an executive member of “The Beach.” Still, her true identity as Queen of Hearts—and the final adversary of Arisu and Usagi in the Borderlands—was later revealed.

If there were to be a season three, I wonder what would happen with the whole team that fought together so far,” she said. “You saw the ghost of Hatter introduced in the show so many times, so I have this feeling that he might come back again. So for Mira, you might also think that she could return.” Let’s hope…

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What Will Happen in Alice in Borderland Season 3?

Next season, Arisu and company are likely to be caught completely off guard. Even though they thought they were entering the “real world” in the season finale, the Joker card reveal indicates they’re actually in a completely different place.

More Alice in Wonderland allusions could be lurking around the corner. To begin with, it is unclear how Tweedledum and Tweedledee are influencing the meaning of words. What, then, might the plans for season three be?

Maybe everyone competing is in a VR world similar to the one Arisu encountered in the last episode. It was in that hallucination that Arisu was led to think he was in the hospital and that these games were all an illusion.

Fortunately, he managed to escape that mental trap with Usagi’s assistance; nevertheless, had they all passed up the opportunity to become in-game residents, it’s plausible that they may have fallen into another.

If they accomplish that, a new game has probably begun, and they’ll have to find a way to escape. Since nobody on the squad remembers anything about the games or their connections with each other, it may be a real challenge.

As players progressed to the face cards level, the cards were more challenging, intense, and severe; this meant that the Joker may be the most vicious of them all. As Arisu’s damaged gang continues to be puppeteered by the gamemasters, a string of dark tricks and manipulations could be in store for them if the Joker takes on the traits of its name.

Regarding the gamemasters, the current face-card gamemasters—who had been exposed as ‘citizens’ after leaving the gaming profession—were ousted by Arisu and the company. Each player had the option of becoming a citizen after the last face-card game, or they could turn down the offer and play by the rules of pseudo-reality.

Although many declined the opportunity to stay in the game in safer conditions, newcomers Banda (Hayato Isomura) and Yaba (Katsuya Maiguma) opted to become residents, suggesting that they may take over as gamemasters for season three.

Obviously, the tale may have already been told since the program caught up with the source material at the end of season two, but the ideas discussed in both the manga series and the show are so massive that they may be expanded upon in a third season.

Actor Kento Yamazaki told Gamer Braves, “When we ended season one, we were halfway through the manga series.” “I think, in general, season two is not just a death game that you’re seeing. You really dig into the existence of each character ,and we dig into the theme of ‘what are we doing on this Earth, and why are living these lives?

It poses questions about what is life about and what is it to live. These are deeper questions that were also in the original manga. We’ve been able to deliver these in the drama series and deliver them to the world.”

About Marco L. 243 Articles
Marco is a writer and journalist based in the United States. He has over a decade of experience in the industry, covering a wide range of topics including politics, business, technology, and culture. Born and raised in New York City, Marco has always had a passion for writing and a love for exploring the world around him. He has a degree in journalism from a local university and has worked for several newspapers, magazines, and websites. Throughout his career, Marco has won numerous awards for his writing and reporting, including several from the Society of Professional Journalists. He is well-known for his ability to tackle complex issues and present them in an accessible and engaging way.