Bitcoin After the Ban in China

According to the CCAF (Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance), China is providing a large portion of the world’s bitcoin mining activities despite the prohibition last year. As per CBECI by CCAF, which outlines the mining activity worldwide based on the geolocational statistics provided by collaborating pools, China’s input to the bitcoin mining system was second just near to that of the United States from September 2021 through January of this year. Nowadays bitcoin is banned from China, and this affected the bitcoin price.

During July and August of this year, China’s portion in the market for bitcoin mining was completely nil. According to the most current data set published by the CCAF, this number fluctuated between 20 and 22.29 percent during October and January. This demonstrates that China has been involved in the mining of the subsoil. Underground miners are said to conceal their operations from law enforcement by using “off-grid electricity and geographically spread small-scale operations,” as the CCAF. This allows them to circumvent the restriction on mining for narcotics.

It is possible that mining companies were working covertly, disguising their locations, and using international proxy services to avoid being discovered in July and August, when the rate suddenly dropped to 0 percent. This was followed by a sharp increase in the rate in the months that followed. One such example is Kazakhstan, which is a popular destination for miners. The Central Asian nation’s network share reportedly topped 18 percent in August of the previous year, as reported by the CBECI.

Why Did China Prohibit the Use of Bitcoins?

All transactions using cryptocurrencies were made illegal by the PBOC (People’s Bank of China) by the end of September 2021. PBOC underlined the role that cryptocurrencies play in the facilitation of financial crime and the rising threat they pose to China’s financial system due to the highly speculative character of cryptocurrencies. However, one other plausible rationale for the prohibition of bitcoin is an attempt to prevent money from leaving China. This would be a defense against capital flight.

An analytics portal estimated that between 2019 and 2020, more than $50 billion worth of cryptocurrencies was transferred out of accounts located in East Asia and into places located outside the region. A significant portion of this net outflow of cryptocurrencies was real money fleeing China. This is because China has an outsized position in East Asian cryptocurrency exchanges. They did not have a precise number for the money that escaped China between 2019 and 2020; nonetheless, they believed that the amount might have been as high as $50 billion.

Exchanges of Bitcoins and Limitations on the Capital Supply

As part of its existing stringent capital restrictions, China imposes a yearly maximum of $50,000 on the amount that may be spent on buying foreign currencies. Because of this, the capital flight that is made possible by cryptocurrencies is particularly noteworthy. In the past, wealthy people in China were able to circumvent capital regulations using various means, including purchasing overseas real estate, inventive invoicing for international commerce, and even the coercion of their workers to move money to offshore bank accounts.

Bitcoin has made it possible for people living in China to purchase foreign assets in a less complicated manner and without drawing the attention of Chinese authorities. Because of the decentralized structure of Bitcoin and several other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, it is far simpler to get over capital restrictions when using these types of exchanges as opposed to the traditional method of exchanging cash, which involves using the banking system.

Even with all the capital restrictions, the Chinese government has always been concerned about money leaving the country. Several observers have called the efficiency of these capital restrictions into question, pointing out that the outflow of money has increased dramatically between 2009 and 2018. Meanwhile, PBOC decided in 2017 to prohibit the operation of cryptocurrency exchanges inside China.

Even while China did not identify a fear of capital flight as a cause for its cryptocurrency limitations in 2017, Chinese regulators set further limits on international investments made by Chinese enterprises in that same year. It’s possible that Chinese miners, seeing the effectiveness of overseas proxy services, have concluded that they don’t need to conceal their operations when they’re working in China anymore.

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