Richard Buckley, Tom Ford’s spouse and a journalist specializing in the fashion industry, d!ed at the age of 72.
On Sunday night, September 19, 2018, Buckley “d!ed of natural causes after a long illness,” according to a statement released by Ford’s lawyer. “It is with great sadness that Tom Ford announces the de@th of his beloved husband of 35 years, Richard Buckley.”
“Richard passed away peacefully at their home in Los Angeles with Tom and their son Jack by his side,” the statement said.
The procedure occurred three years after Buckley was first diagnosed with throat c@ncer. The fashion editor survived the treatment, which was expected to be lethal, and brought good fortune to the pair.
What Was Richard Buckley Suffering From?
Richard had a history of throat c@ncer, although he d!ed of other causes. Tragically, Richard Buckley, Tom Ford’s husband of 72 years, has passed away. He d!ed at the house he and the designer had shared. In 1989, he received a c@ncer diagnosis and began treatment.
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When Did Richard First Meet Tom Ford?
After same-s*x marriage was legalized in the United States, the fashion designer and Tom, who had met at a show in 1986, finally tied the knot in 2014.
Richard had previously claimed, “Our eyes locked and within a month we were living together.” when describing the first time he saw his future spouse.
As the saying goes, “We have been together ever since.” In 2012, they were able to have a son through surrogacy.

Buckley in The World of Fashion Journalism
The author claims that Buckley was born in 1948 in Binghamton, New York, and spent his childhood moving around the United States, France, and Germany with his family’s military career. And as he matured, he attended the University of Maryland at Munich to further his education and journalism career.
According to People, Buckley started writing about fashion for New York Magazine in 1979. In 1982, he moved to Paris to serve as the European editor of “Fairchild Publications’ Daily News Record.”
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Ford’s husband held the positions of European editor at Mirabella and Italian Vogue contributor and editor-in-chief at Vogue Hommes International.
The news organization also reported that the pair had recently resided in London, New York, and Santa Fe. Ford and Buckley had their son Jack via surrogate in 2012, before marriage.
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